Welcome to the Official QuSpin Documentation!

QuSpin is an open-source Python package for exact diagonalization and quantum dynamics of arbitrary boson, fermion and spin many-body systems. QuSpin supports the use of various (user-defined) symmetries for one and higher-dimensional lattice systems, (imaginary) time evolution following arbitrary user-specified driving protocols, and constrained Hilbert spaces.

This page contains the documentation for the use of all public functions and classes contained in QuSpin.

Check out these papers and the example scripts (below) for a detailed tutorial:

Report any bugs and ask questions here.

The source code is available on Github; Suggestions for future improvements and user contributions are always welcome!

Installation and Usage

Example Scripts

Parallel Computing Capabilities

Report a Bug / Ask a Question

To report a bug in QuSpin, or ask a question about the package, please open up a new issue on GitHub.