Adiabatic Control of Parameters in Many-Body Localised Phases
This example shows how to code up the time-dependent disordered spin Hamiltonian:
\[\begin{split}H(t) &=& \sum_{j=0}^{L-2}\frac{J_{xy}}{2}\left(S^+_{j+1}S^-_{j} + \mathrm{h.c.}\right) + J_{zz}(t)S^z_{j+1}S^z_{j} + \sum_{j=0}^{L-1}h_jS^z_{j},\nonumber\\
J_{zz}(t) &=& (1/2 + vt)J_{zz}(0).\end{split}\]
Details about the code below can be found in SciPost Phys. 2, 003 (2017).
UPDATE: The original version of this example discussed in the paper above has been deprecated as it is not compatible with python 3. Below we have implemented a new version of the example that uses more up-to-date features of QuSpin. We also leave a link down below to download the original script for comparison.
download script
(python 3)
download original script
(python 2, depricated)
2# example 1 #
3# In this script we demonstrate how to use QuSpin's #
4# functionality to solve the time-dependent Schroedinger #
5# equation with a time-dependent operator. We also showcase #
6# a function which is used to calculate the entanglement #
7# entropy of a pure state. #
9from quspin.operators import quantum_operator # Hamiltonians and operators
10from quspin.basis import spin_basis_1d # Hilbert space spin basis
11from import ent_entropy, diag_ensemble # entropies
12from numpy.random import uniform, seed # pseudo random numbers
13from joblib import delayed, Parallel # parallelisation
14import numpy as np # generic math functions
15from time import time # timing package
18##### define simulation parameters #####
19n_real = 100 # number of disorder realisations
20n_jobs = 2 # number of spawned processes used for parallelisation
22##### define model parameters #####
23L = 10 # system size
24Jxy = 1.0 # xy interaction
25Jzz_0 = 1.0 # zz interaction at time t=0
26h_MBL = 3.9 # MBL disorder strength
27h_ETH = 0.1 # delocalised disorder strength
28vs = np.logspace(-3.0, 0.0, num=20, base=10) # log_2-spaced vector of ramp speeds
32##### set up Heisenberg Hamiltonian with linearly varying zz-interaction #####
33# define linear ramp function
34def ramp(t, v):
35 return 0.5 + v * t
38# compute basis in the 0-total magnetisation sector (requires L even)
39basis = spin_basis_1d(L, m=0, pauli=False)
40# define operators with OBC using site-coupling lists
41J_zz = [[Jzz_0, i, i + 1] for i in range(L - 1)] # OBC
42J_xy = [[Jxy / 2.0, i, i + 1] for i in range(L - 1)] # OBC
43# dictionary of operators for quantum_operator.
44# define XXZ chain parameters
45op_dict = dict(J_xy=[["+-", J_xy], ["-+", J_xy]], J_zz=[["zz", J_zz]])
46# define operators for local disordered field.
47for i in range(L):
48 op = [[1.0, i]]
49 op_dict["hz" + str(i)] = [["z", op]]
50# costruct the quantum_operator
51H_XXZ = quantum_operator(op_dict, basis=basis, dtype=np.float64)
55##### calculate diagonal and entanglement entropies #####
56def realization(vs, H_XXZ, real):
57 """
58 This function computes the entropies for a single disorder realisation.
59 --- arguments ---
60 vs: vector of ramp speeds
61 H_XXZ: time-dep. Heisenberg Hamiltonian with driven zz-interactions
62 basis: spin_basis_1d object containing the spin basis
63 n_real: number of disorder realisations; used only for timing
64 """
65 ti = time() # get start time
66 #
67 seed() # the random number needs to be seeded for each parallel process
68 N = H_XXZ.basis.N
69 basis = H_XXZ.basis
70 hz = uniform(-1, 1, size=N)
71 # define parameters to pass into quantum_operator for
72 # hamiltonian at end of ramp
73 pars_MBL = {"hz" + str(i): h_MBL * hz[i] for i in range(N)}
74 pars_ETH = {"hz" + str(i): h_ETH * hz[i] for i in range(N)}
75 #
76 pars_MBL["J_xy"] = 1.0
77 pars_ETH["J_xy"] = 1.0
78 # J_zz = 1 at end of the ramp for all velocities
79 pars_MBL["J_zz"] = 1.0
80 pars_ETH["J_zz"] = 1.0
81 # diagonalize
82 E_MBL, V_MBL = H_XXZ.eigh(pars=pars_MBL)
83 E_ETH, V_ETH = H_XXZ.eigh(pars=pars_ETH)
84 # reset J_zz to be initial value:
85 pars_MBL["J_zz"] = 0.5
86 # get many-body bandwidth at t=0
87 eigsh_args = dict(
88 k=2, which="BE", maxiter=1e4, return_eigenvectors=False, pars=pars_MBL
89 )
90 Emin, Emax = H_XXZ.eigsh(**eigsh_args)
91 # calculating middle of spectrum
92 E_inf_temp = (Emax + Emin) / 2.0
93 # calculate nearest eigenstate to energy at infinite temperature
94 E, psi_0 = H_XXZ.eigsh(pars=pars_MBL, k=1, sigma=E_inf_temp, maxiter=1e4)
95 psi_0 = psi_0.reshape((-1,))
97 run_MBL = []
99 for v in vs:
100 # update J_zz to be time-dependent operator
101 pars_MBL["J_zz"] = (ramp, (v,))
102 # get hamiltonian
103 H = H_XXZ.tohamiltonian(pars=pars_MBL)
104 # evolve state and calculate oberservables.
105 run_MBL.append(_do_ramp(psi_0, H, basis, v, E_MBL, V_MBL))
107 run_MBL = np.vstack(run_MBL).T
108 # reset J_zz to be initial value:
109 pars_ETH["J_zz"] = 0.5
110 # get many-body bandwidth at t=0
111 eigsh_args = dict(
112 k=2, which="BE", maxiter=1e4, return_eigenvectors=False, pars=pars_ETH
113 )
114 Emin, Emax = H_XXZ.eigsh(**eigsh_args)
115 # calculating middle of spectrum
116 E_inf_temp = (Emax + Emin) / 2.0
117 # calculate nearest eigenstate to energy at infinite temperature
118 E, psi_0 = H_XXZ.eigsh(pars=pars_ETH, k=1, sigma=E_inf_temp, maxiter=1e4)
119 psi_0 = psi_0.reshape((-1,))
121 run_ETH = []
123 for v in vs:
124 # update J_zz to be time-dependent operator
125 pars_ETH["J_zz"] = (ramp, (v,))
126 # get hamiltonian
127 H = H_XXZ.tohamiltonian(pars=pars_ETH)
128 # evolve state and calculate oberservables.
129 run_ETH.append(_do_ramp(psi_0, H, basis, v, E_ETH, V_ETH))
130 run_ETH = np.vstack(run_ETH).T
131 # show time taken
132 print("realization {0}/{1} took {2:.2f} sec".format(real + 1, n_real, time() - ti))
133 #
134 return run_MBL, run_ETH
138##### evolve state and evaluate entropies #####
139def _do_ramp(psi_0, H, basis, v, E_final, V_final):
140 """
141 Auxiliary function to evolve the state and calculate the entropies after the
142 ramp.
143 --- arguments ---
144 psi_0: initial state
145 H: time-dependent Hamiltonian
146 basis: spin_basis_1d object containing the spin basis (required for Sent)
147 E_final, V_final: eigensystem of H(t_f) at the end of the ramp t_f=1/(2v)
148 """
149 # determine total ramp time
150 t_f = 0.5 / v
151 # time-evolve state from time 0.0 to time t_f
152 psi = H.evolve(psi_0, 0.0, t_f)
153 # calculate entanglement entropy
154 subsys = range(basis.L // 2) # define subsystem
155 Sent = basis.ent_entropy(psi, sub_sys_A=subsys)["Sent_A"]
156 # calculate diagonal entropy in the basis of H(t_f)
157 S_d = diag_ensemble(basis.L, psi, E_final, V_final, Sd_Renyi=True)["Sd_pure"]
158 #
159 return np.asarray([S_d, Sent])
163##### produce data for n_real disorder realisations #####
164# __name__ == '__main__' required to use joblib in Windows.
165if __name__ == "__main__":
167 # alternative way without parallelisation
168 data = np.asarray([realization(vs, H_XXZ, i) for i in range(n_real)])
169 """
170 data = np.asarray(Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(realization)(vs,H_XXZ,basis,i) for i in range(n_real)))
171 """
172 #
173 run_MBL, run_ETH = zip(*data) # extract MBL and data
174 # average over disorder
175 mean_MBL = np.mean(run_MBL, axis=0)
176 mean_ETH = np.mean(run_ETH, axis=0)
177 #
178 ##### plot results #####
179 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
181 ### MBL plot ###
182 fig, pltarr1 = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True) # define subplot panel
183 # subplot 1: diag enetropy vs ramp speed
184 pltarr1[0].plot(vs, mean_MBL[0], label="MBL", marker=".", color="blue") # plot data
185 pltarr1[0].set_ylabel("$s_d(t_f)$", fontsize=22) # label y-axis
186 pltarr1[0].set_xlabel("$v/J_{zz}(0)$", fontsize=22) # label x-axis
187 pltarr1[0].set_xscale("log") # set log scale on x-axis
188 pltarr1[0].grid(True, which="both") # plot grid
189 pltarr1[0].tick_params(labelsize=16)
190 # subplot 2: entanglement entropy vs ramp speed
191 pltarr1[1].plot(vs, mean_MBL[1], marker=".", color="blue") # plot data
192 pltarr1[1].set_ylabel("$s_\\mathrm{ent}(t_f)$", fontsize=22) # label y-axis
193 pltarr1[1].set_xlabel("$v/J_{zz}(0)$", fontsize=22) # label x-axis
194 pltarr1[1].set_xscale("log") # set log scale on x-axis
195 pltarr1[1].grid(True, which="both") # plot grid
196 pltarr1[1].tick_params(labelsize=16)
197 # save figure
198 fig.savefig("example1_MBL.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
199 #
200 ### ETH plot ###
201 fig, pltarr2 = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True) # define subplot panel
202 # subplot 1: diag enetropy vs ramp speed
203 pltarr2[0].plot(vs, mean_ETH[0], marker=".", color="green") # plot data
204 pltarr2[0].set_ylabel("$s_d(t_f)$", fontsize=22) # label y-axis
205 pltarr2[0].set_xlabel("$v/J_{zz}(0)$", fontsize=22) # label x-axis
206 pltarr2[0].set_xscale("log") # set log scale on x-axis
207 pltarr2[0].grid(True, which="both") # plot grid
208 pltarr2[0].tick_params(labelsize=16)
209 # subplot 2: entanglement entropy vs ramp speed
210 pltarr2[1].plot(vs, mean_ETH[1], marker=".", color="green") # plot data
211 pltarr2[1].set_ylabel("$s_\\mathrm{ent}(t_f)$", fontsize=22) # label y-axis
212 pltarr2[1].set_xlabel("$v/J_{zz}(0)$", fontsize=22) # label x-axis
213 pltarr2[1].set_xscale("log") # set log scale on x-axis
214 pltarr2[1].grid(True, which="both") # plot grid
215 pltarr2[1].tick_params(labelsize=16)
216 # save figure
217 fig.savefig("example1_ETH.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
218 #
219 # # show plots