Autocorrelation functions using symmetries

This example demonstrates how to use the general basis function method Op_shift_sector() to compute autocorrelation functions of operators in the Heisenberg model on a 1d chain.

\[H = J\sum_{j=0}^{L-1} S^+_{j+1}S^-_{j} + \mathrm{h.c.} + S^z_{j+1}S^z_j,\]

where \(S_j\) is the spin-1/2 operator on lattice site \(j\); we use periodic boundary conditions. We are interested in the following autocorrelation function:

\[C(t) = \langle\psi_\mathrm{GS}|\mathcal{O}^\dagger(t)\mathcal{O}(0)|\psi_\mathrm{GS}\rangle = \langle\psi_\mathrm{GS}|e^{+i t H}\mathcal{O}^\dagger e^{-i t H}\mathcal{O}|\psi_\mathrm{GS}\rangle\]

where \(\mathcal{O} = \sqrt{2}S^z_{j=0}\).

For the purpose of computing the autocorrelation function, it is advantageous to split the calculation as follows:

\[C(t) = \langle\psi_\mathrm{GS}(t)|\mathcal{O}^\dagger|(\mathcal{O}\psi_\mathrm{GS})(t)\rangle,\]

where \(|\psi_\mathrm{GS}(t)\rangle = e^{-i t H}|\psi_\mathrm{GS}\rangle\) (this is a trivial phase factor, but we keep it here for generality), and \(|(\mathcal{O}\psi_\mathrm{GS})(t)\rangle = e^{-i t H}\mathcal{O}|\psi_\mathrm{GS}\rangle\).

In the example below, we compute \(C(t)\) (i) in real space, and (ii) in momentum space.

  1. The real space calculation is straightforward, but it does not make use of the symmetries in the Heisenberg Hamiltonian.

  2. The momentum-space calculation is interesting, because the operator \(\mathcal{O}\) carries momentum itself; thus, when it acts on the (time-evolved) ground state, it changes the momentum of the state. In QuSpin, this operation can be done using the general basis class method Op_shift_sector(), provided we know ahead of time exactly by how much the momentum of the state will be changed. To understand how the symmetry calculation works, consider the more general nonequal-space, nonequal-time correlation function:

\[C_r(t) = \langle\psi_\mathrm{GS}|\mathcal{O}_r^\dagger(t)\mathcal{O}_0(0)|\psi_\mathrm{GS}\rangle = \frac{1}{L}\sum_{j=0}^{L-1}\langle\psi_\mathrm{GS}|\mathcal{O}_{j+r}^\dagger(t)\mathcal{O}_{j}(0)|\psi_\mathrm{GS}\rangle,\]

where in the second equality we explicitly used translation invariance. Using the Fourier transform \(\mathcal{O}_q(t) = 1/\sqrt{L}\sum_{j=0}^{L-1}\mathrm{e}^{-i \frac{2\pi q}{L} j}\mathcal{O}_j(t)\), we arrive at

\[C_r(t) = \frac{1}{L}\sum_{q=0}^{L-1} \mathrm{e}^{+i\frac{2\pi q}{L} r}\mathcal{O}^\dagger_q(t)\mathcal{O}_q(0).\]

Substituting the Fourier transform, and the epression for \(\mathcal{O}_j=\sqrt{2}S^z_j\) from above, setting \(r=0\), we arrive at

\[C_{r=0}(t) = \sum_{q=0}^{L-1} \left(\frac{1}{L}\sum_{j=0}^{L-1}\mathrm{e}^{-i \frac{2\pi q}{L} j} \sqrt{2}S^z_{j}(t) \right) \times \left(\frac{1}{L}\sum_{j'=0}^{L-1}\mathrm{e}^{-i \frac{2\pi q}{L} j' } \sqrt{2}S^z_{j'}(0) \right)\]

which is the expression we use in the code snippet below (note that since \(S^z\) is hermitian, it does not matter whether we use \(\mathrm{e}^{-i\dots}\) or \(\mathrm{e}^{+i\dots}\) here).

More generally, the operator Fourier decomposition of an operator \(\mathcal{O}_l\) with respect to any discrete symmetry transformation \(Q\) of periodicity/cyclicity \(m_Q\) (\(Q^{m_Q}=1\)), and eigenvalues \(\{\exp(-2\pi i q/m_Q)\}_{q=0}^{m_Q}\), is given by:

\[\mathcal{O}_{q} = \frac{1}{\sqrt m_Q}\sum_{j=0}^{m_Q-1} \mathrm{e}^{-i \frac{2\pi q}{m_Q} j} (Q^j)^\dagger \mathcal{O}_{l} Q^j.\]

For instance, if \(Q\) is the translation operator then \((Q^j)^\dagger \mathcal{O}_{l} Q^j = \mathcal{O}_{l+j}\); if \(Q\) is the reflection about the middle of the chain: \((Q)^\dagger \mathcal{O}_{l} Q = \mathcal{O}_{L-1-l}\), etc. The most general symmetry expression for the correlator then reads

\[\begin{split}C_{r}(t) &= \langle\psi_\mathrm{GS}|\mathcal{O}_{l+r}^\dagger(t)\mathcal{O}_l(0)|\psi_\mathrm{GS}\rangle = \frac{1}{m_Q}\sum_{j=0}^{m_Q-1}\langle\psi_\mathrm{GS}|(Q^j)^\dagger\mathcal{O}_{r+l}^\dagger(t)Q^j(Q^j)^\dagger\mathcal{O}_{l}(0)Q^j|\psi_\mathrm{GS}\rangle \\ &= \sum_{q=0}^{m_Q-1} \mathrm{e}^{+i\frac{2\pi q}{L} r} \left(\frac{1}{m_Q}\sum_{j=0}^{m_Q-1}\mathrm{e}^{+i \frac{2\pi q}{L} j} (Q^j)^\dagger \mathcal{O}_{l}^\dagger(t) Q^j \right) \times \left(\frac{1}{m_Q}\sum_{j'=0}^{m_Q-1}\mathrm{e}^{-i \frac{2\pi q}{m_Q} j' } (Q^{j'})^\dagger \mathcal{O}_{0}(l) Q^{j'} \right)\end{split}\]

This allows to exploit more symmetries of the Heisenberg model, if needed. An example of how this works for Op_shift_sector(), for reflection symmetry, is shown here.


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  2import sys, os
  4os.environ["KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK"] = (
  5    "True"  # uncomment this line if omp error occurs on OSX for python 3
  7os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"  # set number of OpenMP threads to run in parallel
  8os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"  # set number of MKL threads to run in parallel
 12#                            example 19                                #
 13# This exampled shows how to use the Op_shift_sector() method of the   #
 14# general basis classes to compute autocorrelation functions in the    #
 15# Heisenberg model.                                                    #
 17from quspin.basis import spin_basis_general
 18from quspin.operators import hamiltonian
 19from import expm_multiply_parallel
 20import numpy as np
 21import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # plotting library
 24##### Heisenberg model parameers
 26L = 10
 28# hamiltonian parameters
 29J_list = [[1.0, i, (i + 1) % L] for i in range(L)]
 30static = [[op, J_list] for op in ["-+", "+-", "zz"]]
 31# time vector
 32times = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0, 101)
 36##### straightforward autocorrelation function without using symmetries
 38def auto_correlator(L, times, S="1/2"):
 39    # construct basis in zero magnetization sector: no lattice symmetries
 40    basis = spin_basis_general(L, S=S, m=0, pauli=False)
 41    # define Heisenberg Hamiltonian
 42    no_checks = dict(check_symm=False, check_herm=False, check_pcon=False)
 43    H = hamiltonian(static, [], basis=basis, dtype=np.float64, **no_checks)
 44    # compute GS
 45    E, V = H.eigsh(k=1, which="SA")
 46    psi_GS = V[:, 0]
 47    # evolve GS under H (gives a trivial phase factor)
 48    psi_GS_t = H.evolve(psi_GS, 0.0, times)
 49    #
 50    ###### define operator O to compute the autocorrelation function of
 51    #
 52    op_list = [["z", [0], np.sqrt(2.0)]]
 53    # use inplace_Op to apply operator O on psi_GS
 54    Opsi_GS = basis.inplace_Op(psi_GS, op_list, np.float64)
 55    # time evolve Opsi_GS under H
 56    Opsi_GS_t = H.evolve(Opsi_GS, 0.0, times)
 57    # apply operator O on time-evolved psi_t
 58    O_psi_GS_t = basis.inplace_Op(psi_GS_t, op_list, np.float64)
 59    # compute autocorrelator
 60    C_t = np.einsum("ij,ij->j", O_psi_GS_t.conj(), Opsi_GS_t)
 61    #
 62    return C_t
 66def auto_correlator_symm(L, times, S="1/2"):
 67    # define momentum p sector of the GS of the Heisenberg Hamiltonian
 68    if (L // 2) % 2:
 69        p = L // 2  # corresponds to momentum pi
 70        dtype = np.complex128
 71    else:
 72        p = 0
 73        dtype = np.float64
 74    #
 75    # define translation operator
 76    T = (np.arange(L) + 1) % L
 77    # compute the basis in the momentum sector of the GS of the Heisenberg model
 78    basis_p = spin_basis_general(L, S=S, m=0, kblock=(T, p), pauli=False)
 79    # define Heisenberg Hamiltonian
 80    no_checks = dict(check_symm=False, check_herm=False, check_pcon=False)
 81    H = hamiltonian(static, [], basis=basis_p, dtype=dtype, **no_checks)
 82    # compute GS
 83    E, V = H.eigsh(k=1, which="SA")
 84    psi_GS = V[:, 0]
 85    # evolve GS under symmetry-reduced H (gives a trivial phase factor)
 86    psi_GS_t = H.evolve(psi_GS, 0, times)
 87    #
 88    ##### compute autocorrelation function foe every momentum sector
 89    Cq_t = np.zeros((times.shape[0], L), dtype=np.complex128)
 90    #
 91    for q in range(L):  # sum over symmetry sectors
 92        #
 93        ###### define operator O_q, sum over lattice sites
 94        op_list = [
 95            ["z", [j], (np.sqrt(2.0) / L) * np.exp(-1j * 2.0 * np.pi * q * j / L)]
 96            for j in range(L)
 97        ]
 98        # compute basis in the (q+p)-momentum sector (the total momentum of O_q|psi_GS> is q+p)
 99        basis_q = spin_basis_general(L, S=S, m=0, kblock=(T, p + q), pauli=False)
100        # define Hamiltonian in the q-momentum sector
101        Hq = hamiltonian(static, [], basis=basis_q, dtype=np.complex128, **no_checks)
102        # use Op_shift_sector apply operator O_q to GS; the momentum of the new state is p+q
103        Opsi_GS = basis_q.Op_shift_sector(basis_p, op_list, psi_GS)
104        # time evolve Opsi_GS under H_q
105        Opsi_GS_t = Hq.evolve(Opsi_GS, 0.0, times)
106        # apply operator O on time-evolved psi_t
107        O_psi_GS_t = basis_q.Op_shift_sector(basis_p, op_list, psi_GS_t)
108        # compute autocorrelator for every momentum sector
109        Cq_t[..., q] = np.einsum("ij,ij->j", O_psi_GS_t.conj(), Opsi_GS_t)
110    #
111    return np.sum(Cq_t, axis=1)  # sum over momentum sectors
115##### compute autocorrelation function
116C_t = auto_correlator(L, times)
117C_t_symm = auto_correlator_symm(L, times)
119##### plot result
121plt.plot(times, C_t.real, "-b", label="no symm.: $\\mathrm{Re}\\;C(t)$")
122plt.plot(times, C_t.imag, "-r", label="no symm.: $\\mathrm{Im}\\;C(t)$")
124plt.plot(times, C_t_symm.real, "ob", label="symm.: $\\mathrm{Re}\\;C(t)$")
125plt.plot(times, C_t_symm.imag, "or", label="symm.: $\\mathrm{Im}\\;C(t)$")
127plt.xlabel("time $t$")