Direct Calculation of spectral functions using symmetries
This example demonstrates how to use the general basis function method Op_shift_sector() to compute spectral functions directly without Fourier -transforming auto-correlation functions. The idea here is to use SciPy’s iterative solvers for sparse linear systems to calculate the action of an inverted operator on a state.
The spectral function in ground state \(|0\rangle\) can be written as:
where \(\eta\) is the boradening factor for the spectral peaks. For an operator \(A\) that has quantum numbers that differ from the ground state \(|0\rangle\) we can use Op_shift_sector() to calculate the a new ket: \(|A\rangle = A|0\rangle\). With this new ket, we can construct the Hamiltonian \(H\) in the new sector, and solve the following equation:
This equation can be solved using the bi-conjugate gradient (cf. scipy.sparse.linalg.bicg) method that is implemented in SciPy. In order to solve that equation with SciPy we define a custom class (see code below) that produces the action \((\omega \pm i\eta + E_0 - H)|u\rangle\) for an arbitrary state \(|u\rangle\). Now we can use \(|x(\omega)\rangle\) to calculate the spectral function a given value of \(\omega\) as follows:
Note that this method can also be used to calculate spectral functions for any state by replacing \(|0\rangle\rightarrow|\psi\rangle\). This may be useful for calculating spectral functions away from equilibrium by using \(|\psi(t)\rangle\) that has undergone some kind of time evolution (in the Schrödinger picture).
In the example below, we look at the Heisenberg chain (\(J=1\)) with periodic boundary conditions. The periodic boundary condition allows us to use translation symmetry to reduce the total Hilbert space into blocks labeled by the many-body momentum quantum number. We limit the chain lengths to \(L=4n\) for \(n=1,2,3...\), since this is required to have the ground state in the zero-momentum sector (for other system sizes, the ground state of the isotropic Heisenberg chain has finite momentum).
Below, we calculate two different spectral functions:
where we have defined:
Because the model has full SU(2) symmetry, we expect that the two spectral functions should give the same result. We also exclude the spectral function for \(q=L/2\) (\(\pi\)-momentum) as the spectral peak is very large due to the quasi long-range antiferromagnetic order in the ground state. The variable on_the_fly can be used to switch between using a hamiltonian object to a quantum_LinearOperator object to calculate the matrix vector product. One can also change the total spin of the local spin operators by changing the variable S to compute the spectral function for higher-spin Heisenberg models.
2import sys, os
4os.environ["KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK"] = (
5 "True" # uncomment this line if omp error occurs on OSX for python 3
7os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1" # set number of OpenMP threads to run in parallel
8os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1" # set number of MKL threads to run in parallel
12# example 26 #
13# This example shows how to use the `Op-shit_sector` method of the #
14# general basis class to compute spectral functions using symmetries. #
16from quspin.basis import spin_basis_general
17from quspin.operators import hamiltonian, quantum_LinearOperator
18import scipy.sparse as sp
19import numexpr, cProfile
20import numpy as np
21import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
26# define custom LinearOperator object that generates the left hand side of the equation.
28class LHS(sp.linalg.LinearOperator):
29 #
30 def __init__(self, H, omega, eta, E0, kwargs={}):
31 self._H = H # Hamiltonian
32 self._z = omega + 1j * eta + E0 # complex energy
33 self._kwargs = kwargs # arguments
35 #
36 @property
37 def shape(self):
38 return (self._H.Ns, self._H.Ns)
40 #
41 @property
42 def dtype(self):
43 return np.dtype(self._H.dtype)
45 #
46 def _matvec(self, v):
47 # left multiplication
48 return self._z * v -, **self._kwargs)
50 #
51 def _rmatvec(self, v):
52 # right multiplication
53 return self._z.conj() * v -, **self._kwargs)
57##### calculate action without constructing the Hamiltonian matrix
59on_the_fly = (
60 False # toggles between using a `hamiltnian` or a `quantum_LinearOperator` object
62# chain length
63L = 12
64# on-site spin size
65S = "1/2"
66# translation transformation on the lattice sites [0,...,L-1]
67T = (np.arange(L) + 1) % L
68# this example does not work under these conditions because ground-state sector is not q=0
69if (L // 2) % 2 != 0:
70 raise ValueError(
71 "Example requires modifications for Heisenberg chains with L=4*n+2."
72 )
73if L % 2 != 0:
74 raise ValueError(
75 "Example requires modifications for Heisenberg chains with odd number of sites."
76 )
77# construct basis
78basis0 = spin_basis_general(L, S=S, m=0, pauli=False, kblock=(T, 0))
79# construct static list for Heisenberg chain
80Jzz_list = [[1.0, i, (i + 1) % L] for i in range(L)]
81Jxy_list = [[0.5, i, (i + 1) % L] for i in range(L)]
82static = [["zz", Jzz_list], ["+-", Jxy_list], ["-+", Jxy_list]]
83# construct operator for Hamiltonian in the ground state sector
84if on_the_fly:
85 H0 = quantum_LinearOperator(static, basis=basis0, dtype=np.float64)
87 H0 = hamiltonian(static, [], basis=basis0, dtype=np.float64)
88# calculate ground state
89[E0], psi0 = H0.eigsh(k=1, which="SA")
90psi0 = psi0.ravel()
91# define all possible momentum sectors excluding q=L/2 (pi-momentum) where the peak is abnormally large
92qs = np.arange(-L // 2 + 1, L // 2, 1)
93# define frequencies to calculate spectral function for
94omegas = np.arange(0, 4, 0.05)
95# spectral peaks broadening factor
96eta = 0.1
97# allocate arrays to store data
98Gzz = np.zeros(omegas.shape + qs.shape, dtype=np.complex128)
99Gpm = np.zeros(omegas.shape + qs.shape, dtype=np.complex128)
100# loop over momentum sectors
101for j, q in enumerate(qs):
102 print("computing momentum block q={}".format(q))
103 # define block
104 block = dict(qblock=(T, q))
105 #
106 ####################################################################
107 #
108 # ---------------------------------------------------- #
109 # calculation but for SzSz #
110 # ---------------------------------------------------- #
111 #
112 # define operator list for Op_shift_sector
113 f = lambda i: np.exp(-2j * np.pi * q * i / L) / np.sqrt(L)
114 Op_list = [["z", [i], f(i)] for i in range(L)]
115 # define basis
116 basisq = spin_basis_general(L, S=S, m=0, pauli=False, **block)
117 # define operators in the q-momentum sector
118 if on_the_fly:
119 Hq = quantum_LinearOperator(
120 static,
121 basis=basisq,
122 dtype=np.complex128,
123 check_symm=False,
124 check_pcon=False,
125 check_herm=False,
126 )
127 else:
128 Hq = hamiltonian(
129 static,
130 [],
131 basis=basisq,
132 dtype=np.complex128,
133 check_symm=False,
134 check_pcon=False,
135 check_herm=False,
136 )
137 # shift sectors
138 psiA = basisq.Op_shift_sector(basis0, Op_list, psi0)
139 #
140 ### apply vector correction method
141 #
142 # solve (z-H)|x> = |A> solve for |x> using iterative solver for each omega
143 if np.linalg.norm(psiA, ord=np.inf) < 1e-10:
144 # since the vector is zero, we can skip the calculation as the result will be zero
145 continue
147 for i, omega in enumerate(omegas):
148 lhs = LHS(Hq, omega, eta, E0)
150 x, *_ = sp.linalg.bicgstab(lhs, psiA, maxiter=1000)
151 Gzz[i, j] = -np.vdot(psiA, x) / np.pi
152 #
153 #####################################################################
154 #
155 # ---------------------------------------------------- #
156 # same calculation but for S-S+ #
157 # ---------------------------------------------------- #
158 #
159 # divide by extra sqrt(2) to get extra factor of 1/2 when taking sandwich: needed since H = 1/2 (S^+_i S^-_j + h.c.) + S^z_j S^z_j
160 f = lambda i: np.exp(-2j * np.pi * q * i / L) * np.sqrt(1.0 / (2 * L))
161 Op_list = [["+", [i], f(i)] for i in range(L)]
162 # change S_z projection up by S for action of S+ operator
163 S_z_tot = 0 + eval(S)
164 # calculate magnetization density from S_z_tot as defined in the documentation
165 # m = S_z_tot / (S * N), S: local spin (as number), N: total spins
166 m = S_z_tot / (eval(S) * L)
167 basisq = spin_basis_general(L, S=S, m=m, pauli=False, **block)
168 # define operators in the q-momentum sector
169 if on_the_fly:
170 Hq = quantum_LinearOperator(
171 static,
172 basis=basisq,
173 dtype=np.complex128,
174 check_symm=False,
175 check_pcon=False,
176 check_herm=False,
177 )
178 else:
179 Hq = hamiltonian(
180 static,
181 [],
182 basis=basisq,
183 dtype=np.complex128,
184 check_symm=False,
185 check_pcon=False,
186 check_herm=False,
187 )
188 # shift sectors
189 psiA = basisq.Op_shift_sector(basis0, Op_list, psi0)
190 #
191 ### apply vector correction method
192 #
193 # solve (z-H)|x> = |A> solve for |x> using iterative solver for each omega
194 for i, omega in enumerate(omegas):
195 lhs = LHS(Hq, omega, eta, E0)
196 x, *_ = sp.linalg.bicg(lhs, psiA)
197 Gpm[i, j] = -np.vdot(psiA, x) / np.pi
199##### plot results
201ks = 2 * np.pi * qs / L # compute physical momentum values
202f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(3, 4), sharex=True)
203ax1.pcolormesh(ks, omegas, Gzz.imag, shading="nearest")
204ax2.pcolormesh(ks, omegas, Gpm.imag, shading="nearest")