Kitaev’s honeycomb Hamiltonian in vortex sectors given by the plaquette operators
This example shows how one can employ QuSpin’s user_basis class to construct the Kitaev honeycomb model Hamiltonian in the spectral sectors generated by the Wilson loop operators W. The transformation generated by W cannot be defined using QuSpin’s basis_general classes.
Consider the Kitaev honeycomb model (see reference for details of the definition):
where \(\sigma\) are the Pauli matrices, and we consider 4 unit cells (8 sites) with periodic boundary conditions.
It can be shown that this Hamiltonian commutes with all Wilson loop plauqette operators, e.g., \(W=\sigma^x_0\sigma^y_1\sigma^z_2\sigma^x_3\sigma^y_4\sigma^z_5\), etc. Hence, the \(W\)-operators generate a transformation according to which \(H_\mathrm{Kitaev}\) can be block diagonalized; the corresponding sectors can be labelled by the eigenvalues of \(W\) which take the values \(\pm 1\), and determine the vortex configuration of the states in a given sector.
Here, we want to construct the Hamiltonian \(H_\mathrm{Kitaev}\) in a given vortex configuration sector using QuSpin.
It turns out, this cannot be achieved using the basis_general classes, because the operation induced by \(W\) on the computational basis states cannot be represented by a combination of lattice sites permutations and spin inversion operations. Indeed, the operators \(\sigma^z_2, \sigma^z_5\) multiply the resulting state by a state-dependent sign, while the operators \(\sigma^y_1, \sigma^y_4\) multiply the resulting state by a state-dependent factor \(\pm i\).
- Notes:
the procedure described below is generic, and can be applied to any symmetry, provided that (in the basis chosen) the symmetry is represented by a real-valued operator.
the code below works only for 8 lattice sites with periodic boundary conditions; however, it should be clear how to generalize it to other system sizes.
this code shows an interesting example of using the sign pointer variable, inherent to the symmetry map function template of the user_basis, for spin systems [typically, sign is used to accomodate fermionic signs in fermionic models].
there are two more Wilson loops that wrap around the two directions of the torus; we leave it to the reader to code them up.
Please consult this tutorial post – user_basis tutorial – for more detailed explanations on using the user_basis class.
2import sys, os
4os.environ["KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK"] = (
5 "True" # uncomment this line if omp error occurs on OSX for python 3
7os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "4" # set number of OpenMP threads to run in parallel
8os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "4" # set number of MKL threads to run in parallel
12# example 28 #
13# In this script we demonstrate how to use QuSpin's user_basis #
14# to define symmetries, which are not supported by the basis_general #
15# classes. We take an 8-site honeycomb lattice with PBC and define #
16# the Kitaev model in the spectral sectors given by the Wilson loop / #
17# plaquette operators W. #
19from quspin.operators import hamiltonian # Hamiltonians and operators
20from quspin.basis.user import user_basis # Hilbert space user basis
21from quspin.basis.user import (
22 next_state_sig_32,
23 op_sig_32,
24 map_sig_32,
25 count_particles_sig_32,
26) # user basis data types signatures
27from numba import carray, cfunc, jit # numba helper functions
28from numba import uint32, int32 # numba data types
29import numpy as np
32N = 8 # lattice sites
33assert N == 8 # code below works only for N=8!
37############ create spin-1/2 user basis object #############
39###### function to call when applying operators
41 op_sig_32,
42 locals=dict(s=int32, n=int32, b=uint32),
44def op(op_struct_ptr, op_str, site_ind, N, args):
45 # using struct pointer to pass op_struct_ptr back to C++ see numba Records
46 op_struct = carray(op_struct_ptr, 1)[0]
47 err = 0
48 #
49 site_ind = N - site_ind - 1 # convention for QuSpin for mapping from bits to sites.
50 n = (op_struct.state >> site_ind) & 1 # either 0 or 1
51 s = (((op_struct.state >> site_ind) & 1) << 1) - 1 # either -1 or 1
52 b = 1 << site_ind
53 #
54 if op_str == 120: # "x" is integer value 120 = ord("x")
55 op_struct.state ^= b
57 elif op_str == 121: # "y" is integer value 120 = ord("y")
58 op_struct.state ^= b
59 op_struct.matrix_ele *= 1.0j * s
61 elif op_str == 43: # "+" is integer value 43 = ord("+")
62 if n:
63 op_struct.matrix_ele = 0
64 else:
65 op_struct.state ^= b # create spin
67 elif op_str == 45: # "-" is integer value 45 = ord("-")
68 if n:
69 op_struct.state ^= b # destroy spin
70 else:
71 op_struct.matrix_ele = 0
73 elif op_str == 122: # "z" is integer value 120 = ord("z")
74 op_struct.matrix_ele *= s
76 elif op_str == 110: # "n" is integer value 110 = ord("n")
77 op_struct.matrix_ele *= n
79 elif op_str == 73: # "I" is integer value 73 = ord("I")
80 pass
82 else:
83 op_struct.matrix_ele = 0
84 err = -1
85 #
86 return err
89op_args = np.array([], dtype=np.uint32)
93###### define symmetry maps
96 uint32(uint32, uint32, int32),
98def _compute_occupation(state, site_ind, N):
99 # auxiliary function to check occupation of state at site_ind
100 # CAUTION: 32-bit integers code only!
101 site_ind = (
102 N - site_ind - 1
103 ) # compute lattice site in reversed bit configuration (cf QuSpin convention for mapping from bits to sites)
104 return (state >> site_ind) & 1 # occupation: either 0 or 1
109 uint32(uint32, uint32, int32),
110 locals=dict(
111 b=uint32,
112 ),
114def _flip_occupation(state, site_ind, N):
115 # auxiliary function to flip occupation of state at site_ind
116 # CAUTION: 32-bit integers code only!
117 site_ind = (
118 N - site_ind - 1
119 ) # compute lattice site in reversed bit configuration (cf QuSpin convention for mapping from bits to sites)
120 b = 1
121 b <<= site_ind # compute a "mask" integer b which is 1 on site site_ind and zero elsewhere
122 return state ^ b # flip occupation on site site_ind
127 map_sig_32,
128 locals=dict(
129 out=uint32,
130 ),
132def W_symm(state, N, sign_ptr, args):
133 """
134 applies plaquette operator W = "xyzxyz" on sites defined in args.
135 # CAUTION: 32-bit integers code only!
137 - the two 'z'-operators in W are easiest to apply, since just return the occupation number in the spin basis.
138 - the two 'x'-operators in W are alo easy -- they only flip the occupation
139 - the two 'y'-operators in W do both: they flip the occupation and mutiply the state by +/-i (each)
140 """
141 assert N == 8 # works only for N=8!
142 out = 0
143 #
144 # compute sign by applying operators from W on state
145 sign_ptr[0] *= -1 + 2 * _compute_occupation(
146 state, args[1], N
147 ) # 'y'; factor i taken into account below
148 sign_ptr[0] *= -1 + 2 * _compute_occupation(state, args[2], N) # 'z'
149 sign_ptr[0] *= -1 + 2 * _compute_occupation(
150 state, args[4], N
151 ) # 'y'; factor i taken into account below
152 sign_ptr[0] *= -1 + 2 * _compute_occupation(state, args[5], N) # 'z'
153 sign_ptr[0] *= -1 # -1=i**2, yy
154 #
155 # flip occupation of state on sites 0,1, 3,4
156 out = _flip_occupation(state, args[0], N) # 'x'
157 out = _flip_occupation(out, args[1], N) # 'y'
158 out = _flip_occupation(out, args[3], N) # 'x'
159 out = _flip_occupation(out, args[4], N) # 'y'
160 #
161 return out
164# the argument list stores the sites for the four W operators, defined clockwise
165W_args_1 = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=np.uint32) # plaquette 1
166W_args_2 = np.array([4, 3, 6, 1, 0, 7], dtype=np.uint32) # plaquette 2
167W_args_3 = np.array([6, 7, 0, 5, 2, 1], dtype=np.uint32) # plaquette 3
168W_args_4 = np.array([2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 3], dtype=np.uint32) # plaquette 4
170###### construct user_basis
172# define maps dict
173q_nums = [0, 0, 0, 0] # not all sectors contain a finite-number of states
174maps = dict(
175 W1_block=(W_symm, 2, q_nums[0], W_args_1),
176 W2_block=(W_symm, 2, q_nums[1], W_args_2),
177 W3_block=(W_symm, 2, q_nums[2], W_args_3),
178 W4_block=(W_symm, 2, q_nums[3], W_args_4),
180op_dict = dict(op=op, op_args=op_args)
181# create user basis
182basis = user_basis(np.uint32, N, op_dict, allowed_ops=set("+-xyznI"), sps=2, **maps)
183# print(basis)
185##### define Kitaev Hamiltonian
187### coupling strengths
188Jx, Jy, Jz = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
190### site-coupling lists
191zz_int = [[Jz, 0, 1], [Jz, 4, 3], [Jz, 2, 5], [Jz, 6, 7]]
192yy_int = [[Jy, 2, 3], [Jy, 0, 5], [Jy, 6, 1], [Jy, 4, 7]]
193xx_int = [[Jx, 2, 1], [Jx, 4, 5], [Jx, 6, 3], [Jx, 0, 7]]
195### construct Hamitonian
196no_checks = dict(check_pcon=False, check_herm=False, check_symm=False)
198Hzz = hamiltonian(
199 [
200 ["zz", zz_int],
201 ],
202 [],
203 basis=basis,
204 dtype=np.complex128,
205 **no_checks,
207Hyy = hamiltonian(
208 [
209 ["yy", yy_int],
210 ],
211 [],
212 basis=basis,
213 dtype=np.complex128,
214 **no_checks,
216Hxx = hamiltonian(
217 [
218 ["xx", xx_int],
219 ],
220 [],
221 basis=basis,
222 dtype=np.complex128,
223 **no_checks,
226H_Kitaev = Hzz + Hyy + Hxx
228### diagonalize H_Kitaev
230# E, V = H_Kitaev.eigsh(k=4, which='SA')
231E, V = H_Kitaev.eigh()
232print("energy spectrum:", E[:4])
234### construct plaquette operator and check its e'state expectation
236W_int = [[1.0, *list(W_args_1)]]
237W = hamiltonian(
238 [
239 ["xyzxyz", W_int],
240 ],
241 [],
242 basis=basis,
243 dtype=np.float64,
244 **no_checks,
247 "check expectation of W-operator:",
248 W.expt_value(
249 V[:, :4],
250 ).real,