The Bose-Hubbard Model on Translationally Invariant Ladder
This example shows how to code up the Bose-Hubbard model on a ladder geometry:
\[H = -J\sum_{\langle ij\rangle} \left(b_i^\dagger b_j + \mathrm{h.c.}\right) + \frac{U}{2}\sum_{i}n_i(n_i-1).\]
Details about the code below can be found in SciPost Phys. 7, 020 (2019).
2# example 7 (DEPRECATED) #
3# In this script we demonstrate how to use QuSpin's to create #
4# a ladder geometry and study quanch dynamics in the Bose-Hubbard #
5# model. We also show how to compute the entanglement entropy of #
6# bosonic systems. Last, we demonstrate how to use the block_ops #
7# tool to decompose a state in the symemtry sectors of a #
8# Hamiltonian, evolve the separate parts, and put back the state #
9# in the end. #
11from quspin.operators import hamiltonian # Hamiltonians and operators
12from quspin.basis import boson_basis_1d # bosonic Hilbert space
13from import block_ops # dynamics in symmetry blocks
14import numpy as np # general math functions
15import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plotting library
16import matplotlib.animation as animation # animating movie of dynamics
19##### define model parameters
20# initial seed for random number generator
21np.random.seed(0) # seed is 0 to produce plots from QuSpin2 paper
22# setting up parameters of simulation
23L = 6 # length of chain
24N = 2 * L # number of sites
25nb = 0.5 # density of bosons
26sps = 3 # number of states per site
27J_par_1 = 1.0 # top side of ladder hopping
28J_par_2 = 1.0 # bottom side of ladder hopping
29J_perp = 0.5 # rung hopping
30U = 20.0 # Hubbard interaction
32##### set up Hamiltonian and observables
33# define site-coupling lists
34int_list_1 = [[-0.5 * U, i] for i in range(N)] # interaction $-U/2 \sum_i n_i$
35int_list_2 = [[0.5 * U, i, i] for i in range(N)] # interaction: $U/2 \num_i n_i^2$
36# setting up hopping lists
37hop_list = [[-J_par_1, i, (i + 2) % N] for i in range(0, N, 2)] # PBC bottom leg
38hop_list.extend([[-J_par_2, i, (i + 2) % N] for i in range(1, N, 2)]) # PBC top leg
39hop_list.extend([[-J_perp, i, i + 1] for i in range(0, N, 2)]) # perp/rung hopping
40hop_list_hc = [[J.conjugate(), i, j] for J, i, j in hop_list] # add h.c. terms
41# set up static and dynamic lists
42static = [
43 ["+-", hop_list], # hopping
44 ["-+", hop_list_hc], # hopping h.c.
45 ["nn", int_list_2], # U n_i^2
46 ["n", int_list_1], # -U n_i
48dynamic = [] # no dynamic operators
49# create block_ops object
50blocks = [dict(kblock=kblock) for kblock in range(L)] # blocks to project on to
51baisis_args = (N,) # boson_basis_1d manditory arguments
52basis_kwargs = dict(nb=nb, sps=sps, a=2) # boson_basis_1d optional args
53get_proj_kwargs = dict(pcon=True) # set projection to full particle basis
54H_block = block_ops(
55 blocks,
56 static,
57 dynamic,
58 boson_basis_1d,
59 baisis_args,
60 np.complex128,
61 basis_kwargs=basis_kwargs,
62 get_proj_kwargs=get_proj_kwargs,
64# setting up local Fock basis
65basis = boson_basis_1d(N, nb=nb, sps=sps)
66# setting up observables
67no_checks = dict(check_herm=False, check_symm=False, check_pcon=False)
68n_list = [
69 hamiltonian([["n", [[1.0, i]]]], [], basis=basis, dtype=np.float64, **no_checks)
70 for i in range(N)
72##### do time evolution
73# set up initial state
74i0 = np.random.randint(basis.Ns) # pick random state from basis set
75psi = np.zeros(basis.Ns, dtype=np.float64)
76psi[i0] = 1.0
77# print info about setup
78state_str = "".join(
79 str(int((basis[i0] // basis.sps ** (L - i - 1))) % basis.sps) for i in range(N)
81print("total H-space size: {}, initial state: |{}>".format(basis.Ns, state_str))
82# setting up parameters for evolution
83start, stop, num = 0, 30, 301 # 0.1 equally spaced points
84times = np.linspace(start, stop, num)
85# calculating the evolved states
86n_jobs = 1 # paralelisation: increase to see if calculation runs faster!
87psi_t = H_block.expm(
88 psi, a=-1j, start=start, stop=stop, num=num, block_diag=False, n_jobs=n_jobs
90# calculating the local densities as a function of time
91expt_n_t = np.vstack([n.expt_value(psi_t).real for n in n_list]).T
92# reshape data for plotting
93n_t = np.zeros((num, 2, L))
94n_t[:, 0, :] = expt_n_t[:, 0::2]
95n_t[:, 1, :] = expt_n_t[:, 1::2]
96# calculating entanglement entropy
97sub_sys_A = range(0, N, 2) # bottom side of ladder
98gen = (basis.ent_entropy(psi, sub_sys_A=sub_sys_A)["Sent_A"] for psi in psi_t.T[:])
99ent_t = np.fromiter(gen, dtype=np.float64, count=num)
100# plotting static figures
101# """
102fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=5, ncols=1)
103im = []
104im_ind = []
105for i, t in enumerate(np.logspace(-1, np.log10(stop - 1), 5, base=10)):
106 j = times.searchsorted(t)
107 im_ind.append(j)
108 im.append(ax[i].imshow(n_t[j], cmap="hot", vmax=n_t.max(), vmin=0))
109 ax[i].tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
110cax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.03, 0.8])
111fig.colorbar(im[2], cax)
114plt.plot(times, ent_t, lw=2)
115plt.plot(times[im_ind], ent_t[im_ind], marker="o", linestyle="", color="red")
116plt.xlabel("$Jt$", fontsize=20)
117plt.ylabel("$s_\\mathrm{ent}(t)$", fontsize=20)
122# """
123# setting up two plots to animate side by side
124fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
125fig.set_size_inches(10, 5)
126ax1.set_xlabel(r"$Jt$", fontsize=18)
127ax1.set_ylabel(r"$s_\mathrm{ent}$", fontsize=18)
129(line1,) = ax1.plot(times, ent_t, lw=2)
130line1.set_data([], [])
131im = ax2.matshow(n_t[0], cmap="hot")
135def run(i): # function to update frame
136 # set new data for plots
137 if i == num - 1:
138 exit() # comment this line to retain last plot
139 line1.set_data(times[:i], ent_t[:i])
140 im.set_data(n_t[i])
141 return im, line1
144# define and display animation
145ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, run, range(num), interval=50, repeat=False)
150###### ladder lattice
151# hopping coupling parameters:
152# - : J_par_1
153# = : J_par_2
154# | : J_perp
156# lattice graph
158 = 1 = 3 = 5 = 7 = 9 =
159 | | | | |
160 - 0 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 -
162# translations along leg-direction (i -> i+2):
164 = 9 = 1 = 3 = 5 = 7 =
165 | | | | |
166 - 8 - 0 - 2 - 4 - 6 -
168# if J_par_1=J_par_2, one can use regular chain parity (i -> N - i) as combination
169# of the two ladder parity operators:
171 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 - 0 -
172 | | | | |
173 - 9 - 7 - 5 - 3 - 1 -