from quspin_extensions.basis.basis_1d._basis_1d_core import hcp_basis, hcp_ops
from quspin_extensions.basis.basis_1d._basis_1d_core import boson_basis, boson_ops
from quspin.basis.basis_1d.base_1d import basis_1d
import numpy as _np
class boson_basis_1d(basis_1d):
"""Constructs basis for boson operators in a specified 1-d symmetry sector.
The supported operator strings for `boson_basis_1d` are:
.. math::
\\texttt{basis}/\\texttt{opstr} & \\texttt{"I"} & \\texttt{"+"} & \\texttt{"-"} & \\texttt{"n"} & \\texttt{"z"} \\newline
\\texttt{boson_basis_1d}& \\hat{1} & \\hat b^\\dagger & \\hat b & \\hat b^\\dagger b & \\hat b^\\dagger\\hat b - \\frac{\\mathrm{sps}-1}{2} \\newline
* if `Nb` or `nb` are specified, by default `sps` is set to the number of bosons on the lattice.
* if `sps` is specified, while `Nb` or `nb` are not, all particle sectors are filled up to the maximumal
* if `Nb` or `nb` and `sps` are specified, the finite boson basis is constructed with the local Hilbert space
restrited by `sps`.
The code snippet below shows how to use the `boson_basis_1d` class to construct the basis in the zero momentum sector of positive parity for the bosonic Hamiltonian
.. math::
H(t)=-J\\sum_j b^\\dagger_{j+1}b_j + \\mathrm{h.c.} -\\mu\\sum_j n_j + U\\sum_j n_j n_j + g\\cos\\Omega t\\sum_j (b^\\dagger_j + b_j)
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/
:language: python
:lines: 7-
def __init__(self, L, Nb=None, nb=None, sps=None, **blocks):
"""Intializes the `boson_basis_1d` object (basis for bosonic operators).
L: int
Length of chain/number of sites.
Nb: {int,list}, optional
Number of bosons in chain. Can be integer or list to specify one or more particle sectors.
nb: float, optional
Density of bosons in chain (bosons per site).
sps: int, optional
Number of states per site (including zero bosons), or on-site Hilbert space dimension.
**blocks: optional
Extra keyword arguments which include:
**a** (*int*) - specifies unit cell size for translation.
**kblock** (*int*) - specifies momentum block. The physical manifestation of this symmetry transformation is translation by `a` lattice sites.
**pblock** (*int*) - specifies parity block. The physical manifestation of this symmetry transformation is reflection about the middle of the chain.
and the following which only work for hardcore bosons (`sps=2`):
**cblock** (*int*) - specifies particle-hole symmetry block. The physical manifestation of this symmetry transformation is the exchange of a hard-core boson for a hole (i.e. no particle).
**pcblock** (*int*) - specifies parity followed by particle-hole symmetry block. The physical manifestation of this symmetry transformation is reflection about the middle of the chain, and a simultaneous exchange of a hard-core boson for a hole (i.e. no particle).
**cAblock** (*int*) - specifies particle-hole symmetry block for sublattice A (defined as all even lattice sites). The physical manifestation of this symmetry transformation is the exchange of a hard-core boson for a hole (i.e. no particle) on all even sites.
**cBblock** (*int*) - specifies particle-hole symmetry block for sublattice B (defined as all odd lattice sites). The physical manifestation of this symmetry transformation is the exchange of a hard-core boson for a hole (i.e. no particle) on all odd sites.
input_keys = set(blocks.keys())
expected_keys = set(
wrong_keys = input_keys - expected_keys
if wrong_keys:
temp = ", ".join(["{}" for key in wrong_keys])
raise ValueError(
("unexpected optional argument(s): " + temp).format(*wrong_keys)
if blocks.get("a") is None: # by default a = 1
blocks["a"] = 1
if blocks.get("check_z_symm") is None or blocks.get("check_z_symm") is True:
check_z_symm = True
check_z_symm = False
if sps is None:
if Nb is not None:
if nb is not None:
raise ValueError("cannot use 'nb' and 'Nb' simultaineously.")
elif nb is not None:
if Nb is not None:
raise ValueError("cannot use 'nb' and 'Nb' simultaineously.")
Nb = int(nb * L)
raise ValueError("expecting value for 'Nb','nb' or 'sps'")
if Nb is not None:
if nb is not None:
raise ValueError("cannot use 'nb' and 'Nb' simultaineously.")
elif nb is not None:
Nb = int(nb * L)
self._sps = sps
if Nb is None:
Nb_list = None
elif type(Nb) is int:
Nb_list = [Nb]
Nb_list = list(Nb)
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("Nb must be iterable returning integers")
if any((type(Nb) is not int) for Nb in Nb_list):
TypeError("Nb must be iterable returning integers")
count_particles = False
if blocks.get("_Np") is not None:
_Np = blocks.get("_Np")
if Nb_list is not None:
raise ValueError("do not use _Np and Nup/nb simultaineously.")
if _Np == -1:
Nb_list = None
count_particles = True
_Np = min((self._sps - 1) * L, _Np)
Nb_list = list(range(_Np))
if Nb_list is None:
self._Np = None
self._Np = sum(Nb_list)
if self._sps is None:
self._sps = max(Nb_list) + 1
self._blocks = blocks
pblock = blocks.get("pblock")
zblock = blocks.get("cblock")
zAblock = blocks.get("cAblock")
zBblock = blocks.get("cBblock")
kblock = blocks.get("kblock")
pzblock = blocks.get("pcblock")
a = blocks.get("a")
if self._sps > 2 and any(
type(block) is int for block in [zblock, zAblock, zBblock]
raise ValueError("particle hole symmetry doesn't exist with sps > 2.")
if type(zblock) is int:
del blocks["cblock"]
blocks["zblock"] = zblock
if type(zAblock) is int:
del blocks["cAblock"]
blocks["zAblock"] = zAblock
if type(zBblock) is int:
del blocks["cBblock"]
blocks["zBblock"] = zBblock
if (type(pblock) is int) and (type(zblock) is int):
blocks["pzblock"] = pblock * zblock
self._blocks["pcblock"] = pblock * zblock
if (type(zAblock) is int) and (type(zBblock) is int):
blocks["zblock"] = zAblock * zBblock
self._blocks["cblock"] = zAblock * zBblock
if check_z_symm:
# checking if spin inversion is compatible with Np and L
if (Nb_list is not None) and (
(type(zblock) is int) or (type(pzblock) is int)
if len(Nb_list) > 1:
"spin inversion/particle-hole symmetry only reduces the 0 magnetization or half filled particle sector"
Nb = Nb_list[0]
if (L * (self.sps - 1) % 2) != 0:
raise ValueError(
"spin inversion/particle-hole symmetry with particle/magnetization conservation must be used with chains with 0 magnetization sector or at half filling"
if Nb != L * (self.sps - 1) // 2:
raise ValueError(
"spin inversion/particle-hole symmetry only reduces the 0 magnetization or half filled particle sector"
if (Nb_list is not None) and (
(type(zAblock) is int) or (type(zBblock) is int)
raise ValueError(
"zA/cA and zB/cB symmetries incompatible with magnetisation/particle symmetry"
# checking if ZA/ZB spin inversion is compatible with unit cell of translation symemtry
if (type(kblock) is int) and (
(type(zAblock) is int) or (type(zBblock) is int)
if a % 2 != 0: # T and ZA (ZB) symemtries do NOT commute
raise ValueError("unit cell size 'a' must be even")
self._allowed_ops = set(["I", "+", "-", "n", "z"])
if self._sps <= 2:
Imax = (1 << L) - 1
stag_A = sum(1 << i for i in range(0, L, 2))
stag_B = sum(1 << i for i in range(1, L, 2))
pars = [0, L, Imax, stag_A, stag_B] # set sign to not be calculated
self._operators = (
"availible operators for boson_basis_1d:"
+ "\n\tI: identity "
+ "\n\t+: raising operator"
+ "\n\t-: lowering operator"
+ "\n\tn: number operator"
+ "\n\tz: c-symm number operator"
pars = (
(L,) + tuple(self._sps**i for i in range(L + 1)) + (0,)
) # flag to turn off higher spin matrix elements for +/- operators
self._operators = (
"availible operators for ferion_basis_1d:"
+ "\n\tI: identity "
+ "\n\t+: raising operator"
+ "\n\t-: lowering operator"
+ "\n\tn: number operator"
+ "\n\tz: ph-symm number operator"
def __type__(self):
return "<type 'qspin.basis.boson_basis_1d'>"
def __repr__(self):
return "< instance of 'qspin.basis.boson_basis_1d' with {0} states >".format(
def __name__(self):
return "<type 'qspin.basis.boson_basis_1d'>"
# functions called in base class:
def _sort_opstr(self, op):
if op[0].count("|") > 0:
raise ValueError("'|' character found in op: {0},{1}".format(op[0], op[1]))
if len(op[0]) != len(op[1]):
raise ValueError(
"number of operators in opstr: {0} not equal to length of indx {1}".format(
op[0], op[1]
op = list(op)
zipstr = list(zip(op[0], op[1]))
if zipstr:
zipstr.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
op1, op2 = zip(*zipstr)
op[0] = "".join(op1)
op[1] = tuple(op2)
return tuple(op)
def _non_zero(self, op):
opstr = _np.array(list(op[0]))
indx = _np.array(op[1])
if _np.any(indx):
indx_p = indx[opstr == "+"].tolist()
p = not any(indx_p.count(x) > self.sps - 1 for x in indx_p)
indx_p = indx[opstr == "-"].tolist()
m = not any(indx_p.count(x) > self.sps - 1 for x in indx_p)
return p and m
return True
def _hc_opstr(self, op):
op = list(op)
# take h.c. + <--> - , reverse operator order , and conjugate coupling
op[0] = list(op[0].replace("+", "%").replace("-", "+").replace("%", "-"))
op[0] = "".join(op[0])
op[1] = list(op[1])
op[1] = tuple(op[1])
op[2] = op[2].conjugate()
return self._sort_opstr(op) # return the sorted op.
def _expand_opstr(self, op, num):
op = list(op)
return [tuple(op)]