from quspin_extensions.basis.basis_1d._basis_1d_core import (
from quspin.basis.basis_1d import _check_1d_symm_spf as _check
from quspin.basis.basis_1d.base_1d import basis_1d
from quspin.basis.base import MAXPRINT
import numpy as _np
class spinless_fermion_basis_1d(basis_1d):
"""Constructs basis for spinless fermionic operators in a specified 1-d symmetry sector.
The supported operator strings for `spinless_fermion_basis_1d` are:
.. math::
\\texttt{basis}/\\texttt{opstr} & \\texttt{"I"} & \\texttt{"+"} & \\texttt{"-"} & \\texttt{"n"} & \\texttt{"z"} \\newline
\\texttt{spinless_fermion_basis_1d}& \\hat{1} & \\hat c^\\dagger & \\hat c & \\hat c^\\dagger c & \\hat c^\\dagger\\hat c - \\frac{1}{2} \\newline
Particle-hole like symmetries for fermions can be programmed using the `spinful_fermion_basis_general` class.
The code snippet below shows how to use the `spinless_fermion_basis_1d` class to construct the basis in the zero momentum sector of positive parity for the fermion Hamiltonian
.. math::
H(t)=-J\\sum_j c_jc^\\dagger_{j+1} + \\mathrm{h.c.} - \\mu\\sum_j n_j + U\\cos\\Omega t\\sum_j n_j n_{j+1}
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/
:language: python
:lines: 7-
def __init__(self, L, Nf=None, nf=None, **blocks):
"""Intializes the `fermion_basis_1d` object (basis for fermionic operators).
L: int
Length of chain/number of sites.
Nf: {int,list}, optional
Number of fermions in chain. Can be integer or list to specify one or more particle sectors.
nf: float, optional
Density of fermions in chain (fermions per site).
**blocks: optional
extra keyword arguments which include:
**a** (*int*) - specifies unit cell size for translation.
**kblock** (*int*) - specifies momentum block. The physical manifestation of this symmetry transformation is translation by `a` lattice sites.
**pblock** (*int*) - specifies parity block. The physical manifestation of this symmetry transformation is reflection about the middle of the chain.
input_keys = set(blocks.keys())
# Why can we NOT have a check_z_symm toggler just for one of those weirdass cases that worked?
expected_keys = set(["_Np", "kblock", "pblock", "a", "L"])
wrong_keys = input_keys - expected_keys
if wrong_keys:
temp = ", ".join(["{}" for key in wrong_keys])
raise ValueError(
("unexpected optional argument(s): " + temp).format(*wrong_keys)
if blocks.get("a") is None: # by default a = 1
blocks["a"] = 1
if Nf is not None and nf is not None:
raise ValueError("Cannot Nf and nf simultaineously.")
elif Nf is None and nf is not None:
if nf < 0 or nf > 1:
raise ValueError("nf must be between 0 and 1")
Nf = int(nf * L)
if Nf is None:
Nf_list = None
elif type(Nf) is int:
Nf_list = [Nf]
Nf_list = list(Nf)
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("Nf must be iterable returning integers")
if any((type(Nf) is not int) for Nf in Nf_list):
TypeError("Nf must be iterable returning integers")
count_particles = False
if blocks.get("_Np") is not None:
_Np = blocks.get("_Np")
if Nf_list is not None:
raise ValueError("do not use _Np and Nup/nb simultaineously.")
if _Np == -1:
Nf_list = None
count_particles = True
_Np = min(L, _Np)
Nf_list = list(range(_Np))
if Nf_list is None:
self._Np = None
self._Np = sum(Nf_list)
self._blocks = blocks
self._sps = 2
Imax = (1 << L) - 1
stag_A = sum(1 << i for i in range(0, L, 2))
stag_B = sum(1 << i for i in range(1, L, 2))
pars = [1, L, Imax, stag_A, stag_B] # sign to be calculated
self._operators = (
"availible operators for fermion_basis_1d:"
+ "\n\tI: identity "
+ "\n\t+: raising operator"
+ "\n\t-: lowering operator"
+ "\n\tn: number operator"
+ "\n\tz: c-symm number operator"
self._allowed_ops = set(["I", "+", "-", "n", "z"])
self._noncommuting_bits = [(_np.arange(self.N), _np.array(-1, dtype=_np.int8))]
def __type__(self):
return "<type 'qspin.basis.fermion_basis_1d'>"
def __repr__(self):
return "< instance of 'qspin.basis.fermion_basis_1d' with {0} states >".format(
def __name__(self):
return "<type 'qspin.basis.fermion_basis_1d'>"
# functions called in base class:
def _sort_opstr(self, op):
return _sort_opstr_spinless(op)
def _hc_opstr(self, op):
return _hc_opstr_spinless(op)
def _non_zero(self, op):
return _non_zero_spinless(op)
def _expand_opstr(self, op, num):
return _expand_opstr_spinless(op, num)
class spinful_fermion_basis_1d(spinless_fermion_basis_1d, basis_1d):
"""Constructs basis for spinful fermionic operators in a specified 1-d symmetry sector.
The supported operator strings for `spinful_fermion_basis_1d` are:
.. math::
\\texttt{basis}/\\texttt{opstr} & \\texttt{"I"} & \\texttt{"+"} & \\texttt{"-"} & \\texttt{"n"} & \\texttt{"z"} \\newline
\\texttt{spinful_fermion_basis_1d}& \\hat{1} & \\hat c^\\dagger & \\hat c & \\hat c^\\dagger c & \\hat c^\\dagger\\hat c - \\frac{1}{2} \\newline
* The `spinful_fermion_basis` operator strings are separated by a pipe symbol, "|", to distinguish the spin-up from spin-down species. However, the index array has NO pipe symbol.
* Particle-hole like symmetries for fermions can be programmed using the `spinful_fermion_basis_general` class.
The code snippet below shows how to use the `spinful_fermion_basis_1d` class to construct the basis in the zero momentum sector of positive fermion spin for the Fermi-Hubbard Hamiltonian
.. math::
H=-J\\sum_{j,\\sigma} c^\\dagger_{j+1\\sigma}c_{j\\sigma} + \\mathrm{h.c.} - \\mu\\sum_{j,\\sigma} n_{j\\sigma} + U \\sum_j n_{j\\uparrow} n_{j\\downarrow}
Notice that the operator strings for constructing Hamiltonians with a `spinful_fermion_basis` object are separated by
a pipe symbol, '|', while the index array has no splitting pipe character.
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/
:language: python
:lines: 7-
def __init__(self, L, Nf=None, nf=None, double_occupancy=True, **blocks):
"""Intializes the `fermion_basis_1d` object (basis for fermionic operators).
L: int
Length of chain/number of sites.
Nf: tuple(int,list), optional
Number of fermions in chain. First (left) entry refers to spin-up and second (right) entry refers
to spin-down. Each of the two entries can be integer or list to specify one or more particle sectors.
nf: tuple(float), optional
Density of fermions in chain (fermions per site). First (left) entry refers to spin-up. Second (right)
entry refers to spin-down.
double_occupancy: bool, optional
Boolean to toggle the presence of doubly-occupied sites (both a spin up and a spin-down fermion present on the same lattice site) in the basis. Default is `double_occupancy=True`, for which doubly-occupied states are present.
**blocks: optional
extra keyword arguments which include:
**a** (*int*) - specifies unit cell size for translation.
**kblock** (*int*) - specifies momentum block. The physical manifestation of this symmetry transformation is translation by `a` lattice sites.
**pblock** (*int*) - specifies parity block. The physical manifestation of this symmetry transformation is reflection about the middle of the chain.
**sblock** (*int*) - specifies fermion spin inversion block. The physical manifestation of this symmetry transformation is the exchange of a spin-up and a spin-down fermion on a fixed lattice site.
**psblock** (*int*) - specifies parity followed by fermion spin inversion symmetry block. The physical manifestation of this symmetry transformation is reflection about the middle of the chain, and a simultaneous exchange of a spin-up and a spin-down fermion on a fixed lattice site.
input_keys = set(blocks.keys())
expected_keys = set(
["_Np", "kblock", "pblock", "sblock", "psblock", "a", "check_z_symm", "L"]
wrong_keys = input_keys - expected_keys
if wrong_keys:
temp = ", ".join(["{}" for key in wrong_keys])
raise ValueError(
("unexpected optional argument(s): " + temp).format(*wrong_keys)
if blocks.get("a") is None: # by default a = 1
blocks["a"] = 1
if Nf is not None and nf is not None:
raise ValueError("cannot use 'nf' and 'Nf' simultaineously.")
if Nf is None and nf is not None:
Nf = [(int(nf[0] * L), int(nf[1] * L))]
self._sps = 2
count_particles = False
_Np = blocks.get("_Np")
if _Np is not None and Nf is None:
count_particles = True
if type(_Np) is not int:
raise ValueError("_Np must be integer")
if _Np >= -1:
if _Np + 1 > L:
Nf = []
for n in range(L + 1):
Nf.extend((n - i, i) for i in range(n + 1))
Nf = tuple(Nf)
elif _Np == -1:
Nf = None
Nf = []
for n in range(_Np + 1):
Nf.extend((n - i, i) for i in range(n + 1))
Nf = tuple(Nf)
raise ValueError(
"_Np == -1 for no particle conservation, _Np >= 0 for particle conservation"
if Nf is None:
Nf_list = None
self._Np = None
if type(Nf) is tuple:
if len(Nf) == 2:
Nup, Ndown = Nf
if (type(Nup) is not int) and (type(Ndown) is not int):
raise ValueError(
"Nf must be tuple of integers or iteratable object of tuples."
if Nup > L:
raise ValueError("Nup cannot exceed system size L.")
if Ndown > L:
raise ValueError("Ndown cannot exceed system size L.")
self._Np = Nup + Ndown
Nf_list = [Nf]
Nf_list = list(Nf)
N_up_list, N_down_list = zip(*Nf_list)
self._Np = sum(N_up_list)
self._Np += sum(N_down_list)
if any(
(type(tup) is not tuple) and len(tup) != 2 for tup in Nf_list
raise ValueError(
"Nf must be tuple of integers or iteratable object of tuples."
if any(
(type(Nup) is not int) and (type(Ndown) is not int)
for Nup, Ndown in Nf_list
raise ValueError(
"Nf must be tuple of integers or iteratable object of tuples."
if any(
Nup > L or Nup < 0 or Ndown > L or Ndown < 0
for Nup, Ndown in Nf_list
raise ValueError(
"particle numbers in Nf must satisfy: 0 <= n <= L"
Nf_iter = iter(Nf)
except TypeError:
raise ValueError(
"Nf must be tuple of integers or iterable object of tuples."
Nf_list = list(Nf)
N_up_list, N_down_list = zip(*Nf_list)
self._Np = sum(N_up_list)
self._Np += sum(N_down_list)
if any((type(tup) is not tuple) and len(tup) != 2 for tup in Nf_list):
raise ValueError(
"Nf must be tuple of integers or iteratable object of tuples."
if any(
(type(Nup) is not int) and (type(Ndown) is not int)
for Nup, Ndown in Nf_list
raise ValueError(
"Nf must be tuple of integers or iteratable object of tuples."
if any(
Nup > L or Nup < 0 or Ndown > L or Ndown < 0
for Nup, Ndown in Nf_list
raise ValueError("particle numbers in Nf must satisfy: 0 <= n <= L")
if blocks.get("check_z_symm") is None or blocks.get("check_z_symm") is True:
check_z_symm = True
check_z_symm = False
self._blocks = blocks
pblock = blocks.get("pblock")
zblock = blocks.get("sblock")
kblock = blocks.get("kblock")
pzblock = blocks.get("psblock")
if zblock is not None:
blocks["zblock"] = zblock
if pzblock is not None:
blocks["pzblock"] = pzblock
if (type(pblock) is int) and (type(zblock) is int):
blocks["pzblock"] = pblock * zblock
self._blocks["psblock"] = pblock * zblock
pzblock = pblock * zblock
if check_z_symm:
# checking if fermion spin inversion is compatible with Np and L
if (Nf_list is not None) and (
(type(zblock) is int) or (type(pzblock) is int)
if len(Nf_list) > 1:
"fermion spin inversion symmetry only reduces the half-filled particle sector"
Nup, Ndown = Nf_list[0]
if (L * (self.sps - 1) % 2) != 0:
raise ValueError(
"fermion spin inversion symmetry with particle conservation must be used with chains at half filling"
if Nup != L * (self.sps - 1) // 2 or Ndown != L * (self.sps - 1) // 2:
raise ValueError(
"fermion spin inversion symmetry only reduces the half-filled particle sector"
double_occupancy = bool(double_occupancy)
Imax = (1 << L) - 1
pars = [L, Imax, 0, 0, int(double_occupancy)] # sign to be calculated
self._operators = (
"availible operators for fermion_basis_1d:"
+ "\n\tI: identity "
+ "\n\t+: raising operator"
+ "\n\t-: lowering operator"
+ "\n\tn: number operator"
+ "\n\tz: c-symm number operator"
self._allowed_ops = set(["I", "+", "-", "n", "z"])
self._noncommuting_bits = [(_np.arange(self.N), _np.array(-1, dtype=_np.int8))]
def N(self):
"""int: Total number of sites (spin-up + spin-down) the basis is constructed with; `N=2L`."""
return 2 * self._L
def _Op(self, opstr, indx, J, dtype):
i = opstr.index("|")
indx = _np.array(indx, dtype=_np.int32)
indx[i:] += self.L
opstr = opstr.replace("|", "")
return basis_1d._Op(self, opstr, indx, J, dtype)
def index(self, up_state, down_state):
"""Finds the index of user-defined Fock state in spinful fermion basis.
Particularly useful for defining initial Fock states through a unit vector in the direction specified
by `index()`.
up_state : str
string which define the Fock state for the spin up fermions.
down_state : str
string which define the Fock state for the spin down fermions.
Position of the Fock state in the `spinful_fermion_basis_1d`.
>>> s_up = "".join("1" for i in range(2)) + "".join("0" for i in range(2))
>>> s_down = "".join("0" for i in range(2)) + "".join("1" for i in range(2))
>>> print( basis.index(s_up,s_down) )
if type(up_state) is int:
elif type(up_state) is str:
up_state = int(up_state, 2)
raise ValueError("up_state must be integer or string.")
if type(down_state) is int:
elif type(down_state) is str:
down_state = int(down_state, 2)
raise ValueError("down_state must be integer or string.")
s = down_state + (up_state << self.L)
indx = _np.argwhere(self._basis == s)
if len(indx) != 0:
return _np.squeeze(indx)
raise ValueError("state must be representive state in basis.")
def int_to_state(self, state, bracket_notation=True):
if int(state) != state:
raise ValueError("state must be integer")
n_space = len(str(self.sps))
if self.N <= 64:
bits_up = ((state >> (self.N - i - 1)) & 1 for i in range(self.N // 2))
s_str_up = " ".join(("{:1d}").format(bit) for bit in bits_up)
bits_down = (
(state >> (self.N // 2 - i - 1)) & 1 for i in range(self.N // 2)
s_str_down = " ".join(("{:1d}").format(bit) for bit in bits_down)
left_bits_up = (
state // int(self.sps ** (self.N - i - 1)) % self.sps for i in range(16)
right_bits_up = (
state // int(self.sps ** (self.N - i - 1)) % self.sps
for i in range(self.N // 2 - 16, self.N // 2, 1)
str_list_up = [
("{:" + str(n_space) + "d}").format(bit) for bit in left_bits_up
("{:" + str(n_space) + "d}").format(bit) for bit in right_bits_up
s_str_up = " ".join(str_list_up)
left_bits_down = (
state // int(self.sps ** (self.N // 2 - i - 1)) % self.sps
for i in range(16)
right_bits_down = (
state // int(self.sps ** (self.N // 2 - i - 1)) % self.sps
for i in range(self.N // 2 - 16, self.N // 2, 1)
str_list_down = [
("{:" + str(n_space) + "d}").format(bit) for bit in left_bits_down
("{:" + str(n_space) + "d}").format(bit) for bit in right_bits_down
s_str_down = " ".join(str_list_down)
if bracket_notation:
return "|" + s_str_up + ">" + "|" + s_str_down + ">"
return (s_str_up + s_str_down).replace(" ", "")
int_to_state.__doc__ = spinless_fermion_basis_1d.int_to_state.__doc__
def state_to_int(self, state):
state = state.replace("|", "").replace(">", "").replace("<", "")
up_state, down_state = state[: self.N // 2], state[self.N // 2 :]
return int(self._basis[self.index(up_state, down_state)])
state_to_int.__doc__ = spinless_fermion_basis_1d.state_to_int.__doc__
def partial_trace(
"""Calculates reduced density matrix, through a partial trace of a quantum state in a lattice `basis`.
state : obj
State of the quantum system. Can be either one of:
* numpy.ndarray [shape (Ns,)]: pure state (default).
* numpy.ndarray [shape (Ns,Ns)]: density matrix (DM).
* dict('V_states',V_states) [shape (Ns,Nvecs)]: collection of `Nvecs` states stored in the columns of `V_states`.
sub_sys_A : tuple/list, optional
Defines the sites contained in subsystem A [by python convention the first site of the chain is labelled j=0].
Default is `tuple(range(N//2),range(N//2))` with `N` the number of physical lattice sites (e.g. sites which both species of fermions can occupy).
The format is `(spin_up_subsys,spin_down_subsys)` (see example below).
return_rdm : str, optional
Toggles returning the reduced DM. Can be tierh one of:
* "A": returns reduced DM of subsystem A.
* "B": returns reduced DM of subsystem B.
* "both": returns reduced DM of both A and B subsystems.
subsys_ordering : bool, optional
Whether or not to reorder the sites in `sub_sys_A` in ascending order. Default is `True`.
enforce_pure : bool, optional
Whether or not to assume `state` is a colelction of pure states or a mixed density matrix, if
it is a square array. Default is `False`.
sparse : bool, optional
Whether or not to return a sparse DM. Default is `False`.
Density matrix associated with `state`. Depends on optional arguments.
>>> sub_sys_A_up=range(basis.L//2) # subsystem for spin-up fermions
>>> sub_sys_A_down=range(basis.L//2+1) # subsystem for spin-down fermions
>>> subsys_A=(sub_sys_A_up,sub_sys_A_down)
>>> state=1.0/np.sqrt(basis.Ns)*np.ones(basis.Ns) # infinite temperature state
>>> partial_trace(state,sub_sys_A=subsys_A,return_rdm="A",enforce_pure=False,sparse=False,subsys_ordering=True)
if sub_sys_A is None:
sub_sys_A = (list(range(self.L // 2)), list(range(self.L // 2)))
if type(sub_sys_A) is tuple and len(sub_sys_A) != 2:
raise ValueError(
"sub_sys_A must be a tuple which contains the subsystems for the spin-up fermions in the \
first (left) part of the tuple and the spin-down fermions in the last (right) part of the tuple."
sub_sys_A_up, sub_sys_A_down = sub_sys_A
sub_sys_A = list(sub_sys_A_up)
sub_sys_A.extend([i + self.L for i in sub_sys_A_down])
return basis_1d._partial_trace(
def ent_entropy(
"""Calculates entanglement entropy of subsystem A and the corresponding reduced density matrix
Algorithm is based on both partial tracing and sigular value decomposition (SVD), optimised for speed.
state : obj
State of the quantum system. Can be either one of:
* numpy.ndarray [shape (Ns,)]: pure state (default).
* numpy.ndarray [shape (Ns,Ns)]: density matrix (DM).
* dict('V_states',V_states) [shape (Ns,Nvecs)]: collection of `Nvecs` states stored in the columns of `V_states`.
sub_sys_A : tuple, optional
Defines the sites contained in subsystem A [by python convention the first site of the chain is labelled j=0].
Default is `tuple(range(N//2),range(N//2))` with `N` the number of physical lattice sites (e.g. sites which both species of fermions can occupy).
The format is `(spin_up_subsys,spin_down_subsys)` (see example below).
return_rdm : str, optional
Toggles returning the reduced DM. Can be tierh one of:
* "A": returns reduced DM of subsystem A.
* "B": returns reduced DM of subsystem B.
* "both": returns reduced DM of both A and B subsystems.
enforce_pure : bool, optional
Whether or not to assume `state` is a colelction of pure states or a mixed density matrix, if
it is a square array. Default is `False`.
subsys_ordering : bool, optional
Whether or not to reorder the sites in `sub_sys_A` in ascending order. Default is `True`.
sparse : bool, optional
Whether or not to return a sparse DM. Default is `False`.
return_rdm_EVs : bool, optional
Whether or not to return the eigenvalues of rthe educed DM. If `return_rdm` is specified,
the eigenvalues of the corresponding DM are returned. If `return_rdm` is NOT specified,
the spectrum of `rdm_A` is returned by default. Default is `False`.
alpha : float, optional
Renyi :math:`\\alpha` parameter for the entanglement entropy. Default is :math:`\\alpha=1`:
.. math::
S_\\mathrm{ent}(\\alpha) = \\frac{1}{1-\\alpha}\\log \\mathrm{tr}_{A} \\left( \\mathrm{tr}_{A^c} \\vert\\psi\\rangle\\langle\\psi\\vert \\right)^\\alpha
**Note:** The logarithm used is the natural logarithm (base e).
sparse_diag : bool, optional
When `sparse=True`, this flag enforces the use of
`scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh() <>`_
to calculate the eigenvaues of the reduced DM.
maxiter : int, optional
Specifies the number of iterations for Lanczos diagonalisation. Look up documentation for
`scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh() <>`_.
svd_solver : object, optional
Specifies the svd solver to be used, e.g. `numpy.linalg.svd` or `scipy.linalg.svd`, or a custom solver. Effective when `enforce_pure=True` or `sparse=False`.
svd_kwargs : dict, optional
Specifies additional arguments for `svd_solver`.
Dictionary with following keys, depending on input parameters:
* "Sent_A": entanglement entropy of subsystem A (default).
* "Sent_B": entanglement entropy of subsystem B.
* "p_A": singular values of reduced DM of subsystem A (default).
* "p_B": singular values of reduced DM of subsystem B.
* "rdm_A": reduced DM of subsystem A.
* "rdm_B": reduced DM of subsystem B.
>>> sub_sys_A_up=range(basis.L//2) # subsystem for spin-up fermions
>>> sub_sys_A_down=range(basis.L//2+1) # subsystem for spin-down fermions
>>> subsys_A=(sub_sys_A_up,sub_sys_A_down)
>>> state=1.0/np.sqrt(basis.Ns)*np.ones(basis.Ns) # infinite temperature state
>>> ent_entropy(state,sub_sys_A=subsys_A,return_rdm="A",enforce_pure=False,return_rdm_EVs=False,
>>> sparse=False,alpha=1.0,sparse_diag=True,subsys_ordering=True)
if sub_sys_A is None:
sub_sys_A = (list(range(self.L // 2)), list(range(self.L // 2)))
if type(sub_sys_A) is tuple and len(sub_sys_A) != 2:
raise ValueError(
"sub_sys_A must be a tuple which contains the subsystems for the up spins in the \
first (left) part of the tuple and the down spins in the last (right) part of the tuple."
sub_sys_A_up, sub_sys_A_down = sub_sys_A
sub_sys_A = list(sub_sys_A_up)
sub_sys_A.extend([i + self.L for i in sub_sys_A_down])
return basis_1d._ent_entropy(
def __type__(self):
return "<type 'qspin.basis.fermion_basis_1d'>"
def __repr__(self):
return "< instance of 'qspin.basis.fermion_basis_1d' with {0} states >".format(
def __name__(self):
return "<type 'qspin.basis.fermion_basis_1d'>"
# functions called in base class:
def _sort_opstr(self, op):
return _sort_opstr_spinful(op)
def _hc_opstr(self, op):
return _hc_opstr_spinful(op)
def _non_zero(self, op):
return _non_zero_spinful(op)
def _expand_opstr(self, op, num):
return _expand_opstr_spinful(op, num)
def _get_state(self,b):
b = int(b)
bits_left = ((b>>(self.N-i-1))&1 for i in range(self.N//2))
state_left = "|"+(" ".join(("{:1d}").format(bit) for bit in bits_left))+">"
bits_right = ((b>>(self.N//2-i-1))&1 for i in range(self.N//2))
state_right = "|"+(" ".join(("{:1d}").format(bit) for bit in bits_right))+">"
return state_left+state_right
def _get__str__(self):
temp1 = " {0:"+str(len(str(self.Ns)))+"d}. "
if self._Ns > MAXPRINT:
half = MAXPRINT // 2
str_list = [(temp1.format(i))+self._get_state(b) for i,b in zip(range(half),self._basis[:half])]
str_list.extend([(temp1.format(i))+self._get_state(b) for i,b in zip(range(self._Ns-half,self._Ns,1),self._basis[-half:])])
str_list = [(temp1.format(i))+self._get_state(b) for i,b in enumerate(self._basis)]
return tuple(str_list)
def _check_symm(self, static, dynamic, photon_basis=None):
kblock = self._blocks_1d.get("kblock")
pblock = self._blocks_1d.get("pblock")
zblock = self._blocks_1d.get("zblock")
pzblock = self._blocks_1d.get("pzblock")
a = self._blocks_1d.get("a")
L = self.L
if photon_basis is None:
photon = False
basis_sort_opstr = self._sort_opstr
static_list, dynamic_list = self._get_local_lists(static, dynamic)
photon = True
basis_sort_opstr = photon_basis._sort_opstr
static_list, dynamic_list = photon_basis._get_local_lists(static, dynamic)
static_blocks = {}
dynamic_blocks = {}
if kblock is not None:
missingops = _check.check_T(basis_sort_opstr, static_list, L, a)
if missingops:
static_blocks["T symm"] = (tuple(missingops),)
missingops = _check.check_T(basis_sort_opstr, dynamic_list, L, a)
if missingops:
dynamic_blocks["T symm"] = (tuple(missingops),)
if pblock is not None:
missingops = _check.check_P(basis_sort_opstr, static_list, L)
if missingops:
static_blocks["P symm"] = (tuple(missingops),)
missingops = _check.check_P(basis_sort_opstr, dynamic_list, L)
if missingops:
dynamic_blocks["P symm"] = (tuple(missingops),)
if zblock is not None:
missingops = []
oddops = _check.check_Z(basis_sort_opstr, static_list, photon)
if missingops or oddops:
static_blocks["Z/C/S symm"] = (tuple(oddops), tuple(missingops))
oddops = _check.check_Z(basis_sort_opstr, dynamic_list, photon)
if missingops or oddops:
dynamic_blocks["Z/C/S symm"] = (tuple(oddops), tuple(missingops))
if pzblock is not None:
missingops = _check.check_PZ(basis_sort_opstr, static_list, L, photon)
if missingops:
static_blocks["PZ/PC/PS symm"] = (tuple(missingops),)
missingops = _check.check_PZ(basis_sort_opstr, dynamic_list, L, photon)
if missingops:
dynamic_blocks["PZ/PC/PS symm"] = (tuple(missingops),)
return static_blocks, dynamic_blocks
def _sort_opstr_spinless(op):
if op[0].count("|") > 0:
raise ValueError("'|' character found in op: {0},{1}".format(op[0], op[1]))
if len(op[0]) != len(op[1]):
raise ValueError(
"number of operators in opstr: {0} not equal to length of indx {1}".format(
op[0], op[1]
op = list(op)
zipstr = list(zip(op[0], op[1]))
if zipstr:
n = len(zipstr)
swapped = True
anticommutes = 0
while swapped:
swapped = False
for i in range(n - 1):
if zipstr[i][1] > zipstr[i + 1][1]:
temp = zipstr[i]
zipstr[i] = zipstr[i + 1]
zipstr[i + 1] = temp
swapped = True
if zipstr[i][0] in ["+", "-"] and zipstr[i + 1][0] in ["+", "-"]:
anticommutes += 1
op1, op2 = zip(*zipstr)
op[0] = "".join(op1)
op[1] = tuple(op2)
op[2] *= 1 if anticommutes % 2 == 0 else -1
return tuple(op)
def _sort_opstr_spinful(op):
op = list(op)
opstr = op[0]
indx = op[1]
if opstr.count("|") == 0:
raise ValueError("missing '|' charactor in: {0}, {1}".format(opstr, indx))
# if opstr.count("|") > 1:
# raise ValueError("only one '|' charactor allowed in: {0}, {1}".format(opstr,indx))
if len(opstr) - opstr.count("|") != len(indx):
raise ValueError(
"number of indices doesn't match opstr in: {0}, {1}".format(opstr, indx)
i = opstr.index("|")
indx_left = indx[:i]
indx_right = indx[i:]
opstr_left, opstr_right = opstr.split("|", 1)
op1 = list(op)
op1[0] = opstr_left
op1[1] = tuple(indx_left)
op1[2] = 1
op2 = list(op)
op2[0] = opstr_right
op2[1] = tuple(indx_right)
op2[2] = 1
op1 = _sort_opstr_spinless(op1)
op2 = _sort_opstr_spinless(op2)
op[0] = "|".join((op1[0], op2[0]))
op[1] = op1[1] + op2[1]
op[2] *= op1[2] * op2[2]
return tuple(op)
def _non_zero_spinless(op):
opstr = _np.array(list(op[0]))
indx = _np.array(op[1])
if _np.any(indx):
indx_p = indx[opstr == "+"].tolist()
p = not any(indx_p.count(x) > 1 for x in indx_p)
indx_p = indx[opstr == "-"].tolist()
m = not any(indx_p.count(x) > 1 for x in indx_p)
return p and m
return True
def _non_zero_spinful(op):
op = list(op)
opstr = op[0]
indx = op[1]
if opstr.count("|") > 1:
raise ValueError(
"only one '|' charactor allowed in: {0}, {1}".format(opstr, indx)
if len(opstr) - 1 != len(indx):
raise ValueError(
"number of indices doesn't match opstr in: {0}, {1}".format(opstr, indx)
i = opstr.index("|")
indx_left = indx[:i]
indx_right = indx[i:]
opstr_left, opstr_right = opstr.split("|", 1)
op1 = list(op)
op1[0] = opstr_left
op1[1] = indx_left
op2 = list(op)
op2[0] = opstr_right
op2[1] = indx_right
return _non_zero_spinless(op1) and _non_zero_spinless(op2)
def _hc_opstr_spinless(op):
op = list(op)
# take h.c. + <--> - , reverse operator order , and conjugate coupling
op[0] = list(op[0].replace("+", "%").replace("-", "+").replace("%", "-"))
op[0] = "".join(op[0])
op[1] = list(op[1])
op[1] = tuple(op[1])
op[2] = op[2].conjugate()
return _sort_opstr_spinless(op) # return the sorted op.
def _hc_opstr_spinful(op):
op = list(op)
opstr = op[0]
indx = op[1]
if opstr.count("|") > 1:
raise ValueError(
"only one '|' charactor allowed in: {0}, {1}".format(opstr, indx)
if len(opstr) - 1 != len(indx):
raise ValueError(
"number of indices doesn't match opstr in: {0}, {1}".format(opstr, indx)
i = opstr.index("|")
indx_left = indx[:i]
indx_right = indx[i:]
opstr_left, opstr_right = opstr.split("|", 1)
n_left = opstr_left.count("+") + opstr_left.count("-")
n_right = opstr_right.count("+") + opstr_right.count("-")
op1 = list(op)
op1[0] = opstr_left
op1[1] = indx_left
op1[2] = op[2]
op2 = list(op)
op2[0] = opstr_right
op2[1] = indx_right
op2[2] = complex(1.0)
op1 = _hc_opstr_spinless(op1)
op2 = _hc_opstr_spinless(op2)
op[0] = "|".join((op1[0], op2[0]))
op[1] = op1[1] + op2[1]
op[2] = ((-1) ** (n_left * n_right)) * op1[2] * op2[2]
return tuple(op)
def _expand_opstr_spinless(op, num):
op = list(op)
return [tuple(op)]
def _expand_opstr_spinful(op, num):
op = list(op)
opstr = op[0]
indx = op[1]
if opstr.count("|") > 1:
raise ValueError(
"only one '|' charactor allowed in: {0}, {1}".format(opstr, indx)
if len(opstr) - 1 != len(indx):
raise ValueError(
"number of indices doesn't match opstr in: {0}, {1}".format(opstr, indx)
i = opstr.index("|")
indx_left = indx[:i]
indx_right = indx[i:]
opstr_left, opstr_right = opstr.split("|", 1)
op1 = list(op)
op1[0] = opstr_left
op1[1] = indx_left
op1[2] = 1.0
op2 = list(op)
op2[0] = opstr_right
op2[1] = indx_right
op1_list = _expand_opstr_spinless(op1, num)
op2_list = _expand_opstr_spinless(op2, num)
op_list = []
for new_op1 in op1_list:
for new_op2 in op2_list:
new_op = list(new_op1)
new_op[0] = "|".join((new_op1[0], new_op2[0]))
new_op[1] += tuple(new_op2[1])
new_op[2] *= new_op2[2]
return tuple(op_list)