Source code for quspin.basis.basis_general.boson

from quspin_extensions.basis.basis_general._basis_general_core import (
from quspin.basis.basis_general.base_hcb import hcb_basis_general
from quspin.basis.basis_general.base_general import basis_general
import numpy as _np
from scipy.special import comb

def H_dim(Np, N, m_max):
    Returns the total number of states in the bosonic Hilbert space.

    Np: int
            total number of bosons in lattice.
    N: int
            total number of sites.
    m_max+1: int
            maximum number of states per site.

    Ns = 0
    for r in range(Np // (m_max + 1) + 1):
        r_2 = Np - r * (m_max + 1)
        if r % 2 == 0:
            Ns += comb(N, r, exact=True) * comb(N + r_2 - 1, r_2, exact=True)
            Ns += -comb(N, r, exact=True) * comb(N + r_2 - 1, r_2, exact=True)

    return Ns

# general basis for hardcore bosons/spin-1/2
[docs] class boson_basis_general(hcb_basis_general, basis_general): """Constructs basis for boson operators for USER-DEFINED symmetries. Any unitary symmetry transformation :math:`Q` of periodicity :math:`m_Q` (:math:`Q^{m_Q}=1`) has eigenvalues :math:`\\exp(-2\\pi i q/m_Q)`, labelled by an ingeter :math:`q\\in\\{0,1,\\dots,m_Q-1\\}`. These integers :math:`q` are used to define the symmetry blocks. For instance, if :math:`Q=P` is parity (reflection), then :math:`q=0,1`. If :math:`Q=T` is translation by one lattice site, then :math:`q` labels the mometum blocks in the same fashion as for the `..._basis_1d` classes. User-defined symmetries with the `boson_basis_general` class can be programmed as follows. Suppose we have a system of L sites, enumerated :math:`s=(s_0,s_1,\\dots,s_{L-1})`. There are two types of operations one can perform on the sites: * exchange the labels of two sites: :math:`s_i \\leftrightarrow s_j` (e.g., translation, parity) * invert the population on a given site: :math:`s_i\\leftrightarrow -(s_j+1)` (e.g., particle-hole symmetry, hardcore bosons only) These two operations already comprise a variety of symmetries, including translation, parity (reflection) and spin inversion. For a specific example, see below. The supported operator strings for `boson_basis_general` are: .. math:: \\begin{array}{cccc} \\texttt{basis}/\\texttt{opstr} & \\texttt{"I"} & \\texttt{"+"} & \\texttt{"-"} & \\texttt{"n"} & \\texttt{"z"} \\newline \\texttt{boson_basis_general}& \\hat{1} & \\hat b^\\dagger & \\hat b & \\hat b^\\dagger b & \\hat b^\\dagger\\hat b - \\frac{\\mathrm{sps}-1}{2} \\newline \\end{array} Notes ----- * if `Nb` or `nb` are specified, by default `sps` is set to the number of bosons on the lattice. * if `sps` is specified, while `Nb` or `nb` are not, all particle sectors are filled up to the maximumal occupation. * if `Nb` or `nb` and `sps` are specified, the finite boson basis is constructed with the local Hilbert space restrited by `sps`. * QuSpin raises a warning to alert the reader when non-commuting symmetries are passed. In such cases, we recommend the user to manually check the combined usage of symmetries by, e.g., comparing the eigenvalues. Examples -------- The code snippet below shows how to construct the two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model. .. math:: H = -J \\sum_{\\langle ij\\rangle} b^\\dagger_i b_j + \\mathrm{h.c.} - \\mu\\sum_j n_j + \\frac{U}{2}\\sum_j n_j(n_j-1) Moreover, it demonstrates how to pass user-defined symmetries to the `boson_basis_general` constructor. In particular, we do translation invariance and parity (reflection) (along each lattice direction). .. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/ :linenos: :language: python :lines: 7- """
[docs] def __init__( self, N, Nb=None, nb=None, sps=None, Ns_block_est=None, make_basis=True, block_order=None, **blocks, ): """Intializes the `boson_basis_general` object (basis for bosonic operators). Parameters ---------- N: int Number of sites. Nb: {int,list}, optional Number of bosons in chain. Can be integer or list to specify one or more particle sectors. nb: float, optional Density of bosons in chain (bosons per site). sps: int, optional Number of states per site (including zero bosons), or on-site Hilbert space dimension. Ns_block_est: int, optional Overwrites the internal estimate of the size of the reduced Hilbert space for the given symmetries. This can be used to help conserve memory if the exact size of the H-space is known ahead of time. make_basis: bool, optional Boolean to control whether to make the basis. Allows the use to use some functionality of the basis constructor without constructing the entire basis. block_order: list of strings, optional A list of strings containing the names of the symmetry blocks which specifies the order in which the symmetries will be applied to the state when calculating the basis. The first element in the list is applied to the state first followed by the second element, etc. If the list is not specificed the ordering is such that the symmetry with the largest cycle is the first, followed by the second largest, etc. **blocks: optional keyword arguments which pass the symmetry generator arrays. For instance: >>> basis(...,kxblock=(Q,q),...) The keys of the symmetry sector, e.g. `kxblock`, can be chosen arbitrarily by the user. The values are tuples where the first entry contains the symmetry transformation :math:`Q` acting on the lattice sites (see class example), and the second entry is an integer :math:`q` to label the symmetry sector. """ _Np = blocks.get("_Np") if _Np is not None: blocks.pop("_Np") if sps is None: if Nb is not None: if nb is not None: raise ValueError("cannot use 'nb' and 'Nb' simultaineously.") elif nb is not None: if Nb is not None: raise ValueError("cannot use 'nb' and 'Nb' simultaineously.") Nb = int(nb * N) else: raise ValueError("expecting value for 'Nb','nb' or 'sps'") try: sps = max(list(Nb)) + 1 except TypeError: sps = Nb + 1 else: if Nb is not None: if nb is not None: raise ValueError("cannot use 'nb' and 'Nb' simultaineously.") elif nb is not None: Nb = int(nb * N) self._noncommuting_bits = [] self._sps = sps self._allowed_ops = set(["I", "z", "n", "+", "-"]) self._pcon_args = dict(N=N, Nb=Nb, sps=self._sps) if self._sps == 2: self._operators = ( "availible operators for boson_basis_1d:" + "\n\tI: identity " + "\n\t+: raising operator" + "\n\t-: lowering operator" + "\n\tn: number operator" + "\n\tz: c-symm number operator" ) hcb_basis_general.__init__( self, N, Nb=Nb, _Np=_Np, _make_basis=make_basis, block_order=block_order, **blocks, ) else: self._operators = ( "availible operators for ferion_basis_1d:" + "\n\tI: identity " + "\n\t+: raising operator" + "\n\t-: lowering operator" + "\n\tn: number operator" + "\n\tz: ph-symm number operator" ) basis_general.__init__(self, N, **blocks) self._check_pcon = False self._count_particles = False if _Np is not None and Nb is None: self._count_particles = True if type(_Np) is not int: raise ValueError("_Np must be integer") if _Np >= -1: if _Np + 1 > N: Nb = list(range(N + 1)) elif _Np == -1: Nb = None else: Nb = list(range(_Np + 1)) else: raise ValueError( "_Np == -1 for no particle conservation, _Np >= 0 for particle conservation" ) if Nb is None: self._Ns = sps**N elif type(Nb) is int: self._check_pcon = True self._get_proj_pcon = True if self._sps is None: self._sps = Nb + 1 self._Ns = H_dim(Nb, N, self._sps - 1) else: try: Np_iter = iter(Nb) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Nb must be integer or iteratable object.") if self._sps is None: self._sps = max(list(Nb)) + 1 self._Ns = 0 for b in Nb: self._Ns += H_dim(b, N, self._sps - 1) # self._pcon_args = dict(N=N,Nb=Nb,sps=self._sps) if len(self._pers) > 0: if Ns_block_est is None: self._Ns = ( int(float(self._Ns) / _np.multiply.reduce(self._pers)) * self._sps ) else: if type(Ns_block_est) is not int: raise TypeError("Ns_block_est must be integer value.") if Ns_block_est <= 0: raise ValueError("Ns_block_est must be an integer > 0") self._Ns = Ns_block_est self._basis_dtype = get_basis_type(N, Nb, self._sps) self._core = boson_basis_core_wrap( self._basis_dtype, N, self._sps, self._maps, self._pers, self._qs ) self._N = N self._Ns_block_est = self._Ns self._Np = Nb # make the basis; make() is function method of base_general if make_basis: self.make() else: self._Ns = 1 self._basis = basis_zeros(self._Ns, dtype=self._basis_dtype) self._n = _np.zeros(self._Ns, dtype=self._n_dtype)
def __setstate__(self, state): print(self.__dict__) if state["_sps"] == 2: hcb_basis_general.__setstate__(self, state) else: self.__dict__.update(state) self._core = boson_basis_core_wrap( self._basis_dtype, self._N, self._sps, self._maps, self._pers, self._qs ) def _sort_opstr(self, op): if op[0].count("|") > 0: raise ValueError("'|' character found in op: {0},{1}".format(op[0], op[1])) if len(op[0]) != len(op[1]): raise ValueError( "number of operators in opstr: {0} not equal to length of indx {1}".format( op[0], op[1] ) ) op = list(op) zipstr = list(zip(op[0], op[1])) if zipstr: zipstr.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) op1, op2 = zip(*zipstr) op[0] = "".join(op1) op[1] = tuple(op2) return tuple(op) def _non_zero(self, op): opstr = _np.array(list(op[0])) indx = _np.array(op[1]) if _np.any(indx): indx_p = indx[opstr == "+"].tolist() p = not any(indx_p.count(x) > self.sps - 1 for x in indx_p) indx_p = indx[opstr == "-"].tolist() m = not any(indx_p.count(x) > self.sps - 1 for x in indx_p) return p and m else: return True def _hc_opstr(self, op): op = list(op) # take h.c. + <--> - , reverse operator order , and conjugate coupling op[0] = list(op[0].replace("+", "%").replace("-", "+").replace("%", "-")) op[0].reverse() op[0] = "".join(op[0]) op[1] = list(op[1]) op[1].reverse() op[1] = tuple(op[1]) op[2] = op[2].conjugate() return self._sort_opstr(op) # return the sorted op. def _expand_opstr(self, op, num): op = list(op) op.append(num) return [tuple(op)]