# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# need linear algebra packages
import scipy.sparse.linalg as _sla
import scipy.linalg as _la
import scipy.sparse as _sp
import numpy as _np
from scipy.integrate import complex_ode
from joblib import delayed, Parallel
from numpy import vstack
import warnings
__all__ = ["Floquet_t_vec", "Floquet_t_vec"]
# warnings.warn("Floquet Package has not been fully tested yet, please report bugs to: https://github.com/weinbe58/qspin/issues.",UserWarning,stacklevel=3)
def _range_iter(start, stop, step):
"""'xrange' is replaced with 'range' in python 3. If python 2 is being used, range will cause memory overflow.
This function is a work around to get the functionality of 'xrange' for both python 2 and 3 simultaineously.
from itertools import count
counter = count(start, step)
while True:
i = next(counter)
if i < stop:
yield i
def _evolve_cont(i, H, T, atol=1e-9, rtol=1e-9):
"""This function evolves the i-th local basis state under the Hamiltonian H up to period T.
It is used to construct the stroboscpoic evolution operator.
psi0 = _np.zeros((H.Ns,), dtype=_np.complex128)
psi0[i] = 1.0
t_list = [0, T]
nsteps = 1
while nsteps < 1e7:
psi_t = H.evolve(
psi0, 0, t_list, eom="SE", iterate=False, atol=atol, rtol=rtol
return psi_t[:, -1]
nsteps *= 10
t_list = _np.linspace(0, T, num=nsteps + 1, endpoint=True)
raise RuntimeError(
"Ode solver takes more than {0:d} nsteps to complete time evolution. Cannot integrate ODE successfully.".format(
solver.set_integrator('dop853', atol=atol,rtol=rtol,nsteps=nsteps)
t_list = [0,T]
nsteps = 1
while True:
for t in t_list[1:]:
if solver.successful():
if t == T:
return solver.y
nsteps *= 10
t_list = _np.linspace(0,T,num=nsteps+1,endpoint=True)
def _evolve_step_3(i, H_list, dt_list):
"""This function calculates the evolved state for Periodic Step (point 3. in def of 'evo_dict')."""
psi0 = _np.zeros((H_list[0].Ns,), dtype=_np.complex128)
psi0[i] = 1.0
for dt, H in zip(dt_list, H_list):
# can replace _sla.expm_multiply by tools.expm_multiply_parallel
psi0 = _sla.expm_multiply(-1j * dt * H.tocsr(), psi0)
return psi0
def _evolve_step_2(i, H, t_list, dt_list):
"""This function calculates the evolved state for Periodic Step (point 2. in def of 'evo_dict'."""
psi0 = _np.zeros((H.Ns,), dtype=_np.complex128)
psi0[i] = 1.0
for t, dt in zip(t_list, dt_list):
# can replace _sla.expm_multiply by tools.expm_multiply_parallel
psi0 = _sla.expm_multiply(-1j * dt * H.tocsr(t), psi0)
return psi0
def _get_U_cont(H, T, n_jobs, atol=1e-9, rtol=1e-9):
sols = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
delayed(_evolve_cont)(i, H, T, atol, rtol) for i in _range_iter(0, H.Ns, 1)
return vstack(sols).T
def _get_U_step_3(H_list, dt_list, n_jobs):
sols = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
delayed(_evolve_step_3)(i, H_list, dt_list)
for i in _range_iter(0, H_list[0].Ns, 1)
return vstack(sols).T
def _get_U_step_2(H, t_list, dt_list, n_jobs):
sols = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
delayed(_evolve_step_2)(i, H, t_list, dt_list) for i in _range_iter(0, H.Ns, 1)
return vstack(sols).T
class Floquet(object):
"""Calculates the Floquet spectrum, Floquet Hamiltonian and Floquet states.
Loops over the basis states to compute the Floquet unitary :math:`U_F` (evolution operator over one period) for a
periodically-driven system governed by the Hamiltonian :math:`H(t)=H(t+T)`:
.. math::
U_F=U(T,0)=\\mathcal{T}_t\\exp\\left(-i\\int_0^T\\mathrm{d}t H(t) \\right)
with :math:`\\mathcal{T}_t\\exp` denoting the time-ordered exponential.
Consider the following periodically driven spin-1/2 Hamiltonian
.. math::
H(t) = \\left\\{
\\begin{array}{cl} \\sum_j J\\sigma^z_{j+1}\\sigma^z_j + h\\sigma^z_j , & t\\in[-T/4,T/4] \\newline
\\sum_j g\\sigma^x_j, & t \\in[T/4,3T/4]
\\right\\} \\mathrm{mod}\\ T
where :math:`T=2\\pi/\\Omega` is the drive period. We choose the starting point of the evolution
(or equivalently -- the driving phase) to be :math:`t=0`.
The following snippet of code shows how to calculate the Floquet eigenstates and the corresponding quasienergies,
using `evo_dict` variable, case ii (see below).
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/Floquet_class-example.py
:language: python
:lines: 7-
def __init__(self, evo_dict, HF=False, UF=False, thetaF=False, VF=False, n_jobs=1, force_ONB=False):
"""Instantiates the `Floquet` class.
evo_dict : dict
Dictionary which passes the different types of protocols to calculate the Floquet unitary.
Depending on the protocol type, it contains the following keys:
i) Periodic continuous protocol from a `hamiltonian` object.
* `H` : hamiltonian object to generate the time evolution.
* `T` : period of the protocol.
* `rtol` : (optional) relative tolerance for the ODE solver. (default = 1E-9)
* `atol` : (optional) absolute tolerance for the ODE solver. (default = 1E-9)
ii) Periodic step protocol from a `hamiltonian` object.
* `H` : single hamiltonian object to generate the hamiltonians at each step. Periodic step drives can be encoded using a single function, e.g. :math:`\\mathrm{sign}(\\cos(\\Omega t))`.
* `t_list` : list of times to evaluate the hamiltonian at for each step.
* `dt_list` : list of time step durations for each step of the evolution.
* `T`: (optional) drive period used to compute the Floquet Hamiltonian `H_F`. If not specified, then `T=sum(dt_list)`. Use this option for periodic delta kicks.
iii) Periodic step protocol from a list of hamiltonians.
* `H_list` : list of matrices to evolve with.
* `dt_list` : list of time step durations. Must be the same size as `H_list`.
* `T`: (optional) drive period used to compute the Floquet Hamiltonian `H_F`. If not specified, then `T=sum(dt_list)`. Use this option for periodic delta kicks.
HF : bool
Set to `True` to calculate and return Floquet Hamiltonian under attribute `_.HF`. Default is `False`.
UF : bool
Set to `True` to save evolution operator under attribute `_.UF`. Default is `False`.
thetaF : bool
Set to `True` to save eigenvalues of the evolution operator (Floquet phases) under attribute `_.thetaF`. Default is `False`.
VF : bool
Set to `True` to save Floquet states under attribute _.VF. Default is `False`.
n_jobs : int, optional
Sets the number of processors which are used when looping over the basis states to compute the Floquet unitary. Default is `False`.
force_ONB : bool
Set to `True` to run an extra QR decomposition to orthogonalize the Floquet states; only effective for `VF=True`.
from quspin.operators import ishamiltonian
variables = []
if HF:
if UF:
if VF:
if thetaF:
if isinstance(evo_dict, dict):
keys = evo_dict.keys()
if (
set(keys) == set(["H", "T"])
or set(keys) == set(["H", "T", "atol"])
or set(keys) == set(["H", "T", "rtol"])
or set(keys) == set(["H", "T", "atol", "rtol"])
H = evo_dict["H"]
T = evo_dict["T"]
self._atol = evo_dict.get("atol")
self._rtol = evo_dict.get("rtol")
if self._atol is None:
self._atol = 1e-12
elif type(self._atol) is not float:
raise ValueError("expecting float for 'atol'.")
if self._rtol is None:
self._rtol = 1e-12
elif type(self._rtol) is not float:
raise ValueError("expecting float for 'rtol'.")
if not ishamiltonian(H):
raise ValueError("expecting hamiltonian object for 'H'.")
if not _np.isscalar(T):
raise ValueError("expecting scalar object for 'T'.")
if _np.iscomplex(T):
raise ValueError("expecting real value for 'T'.")
### check if H is periodic with period T
# define arbitrarily complicated weird-ass number
t = _np.cos((_np.pi / _np.exp(0)) ** (1.0 / _np.euler_gamma))
for func in H.dynamic:
if abs(func(t) - func(t + T)) > 1e5 * _np.finfo(_np.complex128).eps:
abs(func(t) - func(t + T)),
1e3 * _np.finfo(_np.complex128).eps,
raise TypeError(
"Hamiltonian 'H' must be periodic with period 'T'!"
if not (type(n_jobs) is int):
raise TypeError(
"expecting integer value for optional variable 'n_jobs'!"
self._T = T
# calculate evolution operator
UF = _get_U_cont(H, self.T, n_jobs, atol=self._atol, rtol=self._rtol)
elif set(keys) == set(["H", "t_list", "dt_list"]) or set(keys) == set(
["H", "t_list", "dt_list", "T"]
H = evo_dict["H"]
t_list = _np.asarray(evo_dict["t_list"], dtype=_np.float64)
dt_list = _np.asarray(evo_dict["dt_list"], dtype=_np.float64)
if t_list.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("t_list must be 1d array.")
if dt_list.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("dt_list must be 1d array.")
if "T" in set(keys):
self._T = evo_dict["T"]
self._T = dt_list.sum()
if not ishamiltonian(H):
raise ValueError("expecting hamiltonian object for 'H'.")
# calculate evolution operator
UF = _get_U_step_2(H, t_list, dt_list, n_jobs)
elif set(keys) == set(["H_list", "dt_list"]) or set(keys) == set(
["H_list", "dt_list", "T"]
H_list = evo_dict["H_list"]
dt_list = _np.asarray(evo_dict["dt_list"], dtype=_np.float64)
if dt_list.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("dt_list must be 1d array.")
if "T" in set(keys):
self._T = evo_dict["T"]
self._T = dt_list.sum()
if type(H_list) not in (list, tuple):
raise ValueError("expecting list/tuple for H_list.")
if len(dt_list) != len(H_list):
raise ValueError(
"Expecting arguments 'H_list' and 'dt_list' to have the same length!"
# calculate evolution operator
UF = _get_U_step_3(H_list, dt_list, n_jobs)
raise ValueError("evo_dict={0} is not correct format.".format(evo_dict))
raise ValueError("evo_dict={0} is not correct format.".format(evo_dict))
if "UF" in variables:
self._UF = _np.copy(UF)
if "HF" in variables:
self._HF = 1j / self._T * _la.logm(UF)
# find Floquet states and phases
if "VF" in variables:
thetaF, VF = _la.eig(UF, overwrite_a=True)
# check and orthogonalise VF in degenerate subspaces
if ( _np.any(_np.diff(_np.sort(thetaF)) < 1e3 * _np.finfo(thetaF.dtype).eps) ) or force_ONB:
VF, _ = _la.qr(VF, overwrite_a=True)
# https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/269164/diagonalizable-unitarily-schur-factorization
# thetaF, VF = _la.schur(UF,overwrite_a=True,output='real')
# thetaF=thetaF.diagonal()
# calculate and order q'energies
EF = _np.real(1j / self.T * _np.log(thetaF))
# sort and order
ind_EF = _np.argsort(EF)
self._EF = _np.array(EF[ind_EF])
self._VF = _np.array(VF[:, ind_EF])
# clear up junk
del VF
thetaF = _la.eigvals(UF, overwrite_a=True)
# calculate and order q'energies
EF = _np.real(1j / self.T * _np.log(thetaF))
ind_EF = _np.argsort(EF)
self._EF = _np.array(EF[ind_EF])
if "thetaF" in variables:
# sort phases
thetaF = _np.array(thetaF[ind_EF])
self._thetaF = thetaF
def T(self):
"""float: drive period."""
return self._T
def EF(self):
"""numpy.ndarray(float): ordered Floquet quasi-energies in interval :math:`[-\\Omega,\\Omega]`."""
return self._EF
def HF(self):
"""numpy.ndarray(float): Floquet Hamiltonian.
Requires __init__ argument HF=True.
if hasattr(self, "_HF"):
return self._HF
raise AttributeError("missing atrribute 'HF'.")
def UF(self):
"""numpy.ndarray(float): Floquet unitary.
Requires __init__ argument UF=True.
if hasattr(self, "_UF"):
return self._UF
raise AttributeError("missing atrribute 'UF'.")
def thetaF(self):
"""numpy.ndarray(float): Floquet eigenphases.
Requires __init__ argument thetaF=True.
if hasattr(self, "_thetaF"):
return self._thetaF
raise AttributeError("missing atrribute 'thetaF'.")
def VF(self):
"""numpy.ndarray(float): Floquet eigenbasis (in columns).
Requires __init__ argument VF=True.
if hasattr(self, "_VF"):
return self._VF
raise AttributeError("missing atrribute 'VF'.")
class Floquet_t_vec(object):
"""Creates a Floquet time vector with fixed number of points per period.
This time vector hits all stroboscopic times, and has many useful attributes. The time vector
can be divided in three parts corresponding to three regimes of periodic evolution:
ramp-up, constant and ramp-down.
Particularly useful for studying periodically-driven systems.
The following code shows how to use the `Floquet_t_vec` class.
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/Floquet_t_vec-example.py
:language: python
:lines: 7-
def __init__(self, Omega, N_const, len_T=100, N_up=0, N_down=0):
Omega : float
Drive frequency.
N_const : int
Number of time periods in the constant part (period) of the time vector.
len_T : int
Number of time points within a single period. N.B. the last period interval is assumed
open on the right, i.e. [0,T) and the point T is NOT counted towards 'len_T'.
N_up : int, optional
Number of time periods in the up-part (period) of time vector.
N_down : int, optional
Number of time periods in the down-part (period) of time vector.
# total number of periods
self._N = N_up + N_const + N_down
# total length of a period
self._len_T = len_T
# driving period T
self._T = 2.0 * _np.pi / Omega
# define time vector
n = _np.linspace(-N_up, N_const + N_down, self.N * len_T + 1)
self._vals = self.T * n
# total length of time vector
self._len = self.vals.size
# shape
self._shape = self._vals.shape
# time step
self._dt = self.T / self.len_T
# define index of period -N_up
ind0 = 0 # int( _np.squeeze( (n==-N_up).nonzero() ) )
# calculate stroboscopic times
self._strobo = _strobo_times(self.vals, self.len_T, ind0)
# define initial and final times and total duration
self._i = self.vals[0]
self._f = self.vals[-1]
self._tot = self._f - self._i
# if ramp is on, define more attributes
if N_up > 0 and N_down > 0:
t_up = self.vals[: self.strobo.inds[N_up]]
self._up = _periodic_ramp(N_up, t_up, self.T, self.len_T, ind0)
t_const = self.vals[
self.strobo.inds[N_up] : self.strobo.inds[N_up + N_const] + 1
ind0 = self.up.strobo.inds[-1] + self.len_T
self._const = _periodic_ramp(N_const, t_const, self.T, self.len_T, ind0)
t_down = self.vals[
self.strobo.inds[N_up + N_const] + 1 : self.strobo.inds[-1] + 1
ind0 = self.const.strobo.inds[-1] + self.len_T
self._down = _periodic_ramp(N_down, t_down, self.T, self.len_T, ind0)
elif N_up > 0:
t_up = self.vals[: self.strobo.inds[N_up]]
self._up = _periodic_ramp(N_up, t_up, self.T, self.len_T, ind0)
t_const = self.vals[
self.strobo.inds[N_up] : self.strobo.inds[N_up + N_const] + 1
ind0 = self.up.strobo.inds[-1] + self.len_T
self._const = _periodic_ramp(N_const, t_const, self.T, self.len_T, ind0)
elif N_down > 0:
t_const = self.vals[
self.strobo.inds[N_up] : self.strobo.inds[N_up + N_const] + 1
self._const = _periodic_ramp(N_const, t_const, self.T, self.len_T, ind0)
t_down = self.vals[
self.strobo.inds[N_up + N_const] + 1 : self.strobo.inds[-1] + 1
ind0 = self.const.strobo.inds[-1] + self.len_T
self._down = _periodic_ramp(N_down, t_down, self.T, self.len_T, ind0)
def __iter__(self):
return self.vals.__iter__()
def __getitem__(self, s):
return self._vals.__getitem__(s)
def __str__(self):
return str(self._vals)
def __mul__(self, other):
return self._vals * other
def __div__(self, other):
return self._vals / other
def __truediv__(self, other):
return self._vals / other
def __len__(self):
return self._vals.__len__()
def N(self):
"""int: total number of periods."""
return self._N
def shape(self):
"""tuple: shape of array."""
return self._shape
def len_T(self):
"""int: number of time points within one period, assumed half-open; [0,T)."""
return self._len_T
def T(self):
"""float: drive period."""
return self._T
def vals(self):
"""np.ndarray(float): time vector values."""
return self._vals
def len(self):
"""int: length of time vector."""
return self._len
def dt(self):
"""float: time vector step size."""
return self._dt
def i(self):
"""float: initial time value."""
return self._i
def f(self):
"""foat: final time value."""
return self._f
def tot(self):
"""float: total time duration; `_.f - _.i` ."""
return self._tot
def strobo(self):
"""obj: calculates stroboscopic times in time vector with period length `len_T` and assigns them as
_.strobo.inds : numpy.ndarray(int)
indices of stroboscopic times (full periods).
_.strobo.vals : numpy.ndarray(float)
values of stroboscopic times (full periods).
return self._strobo
def up(self):
"""obj: refers to time vector of up-part (regime).
Inherits all attributes (e.g. `_.up.strobo.inds`) except `_.T`, `_.dt`, and `_.lenT`.
Requires optional `__init___` parameter `N_up` to be specified.
if hasattr(self, "_up"):
return self._up
raise AttributeError("missing attribute 'up'")
def const(self):
"""obj: refers to time vector of const-part (regime).
Inherits all attributes (e.g. `_.const.strobo.inds`) except `_.T`, `_.dt`, and `_.lenT`.
if hasattr(self, "_const"):
return self._const
raise AttributeError("missing attribute 'const'")
def down(self):
"""obj: refers to time vector of down-part (regime).
Inherits all attributes (e.g. `_.down.strobo.inds`) except `_.T`, `_.dt`, and `_.lenT`.
Requires optional __init___ parameter N_down to be specified.
if hasattr(self, "_down"):
return self._down
raise AttributeError("missing attribute 'down'")
def get_coordinates(self, index):
"""Returns (period number, index within period) of the `Floquet_t_vec` value stored at `index`.
* This function finds the indegers (i,j), such that `t_evolve[t_evolve.strobo.inds[i-1] + j] = t_evolve[index]`.
* The function may return wrong results if the spacing between two consecutive (i.e. nonstroboscopic) `Floquet_t_vec` values is smaller than `1E-15`.
index : int
Index, to compute the `Floquet_t_vec` coordinates of.
(i,j) such that `t_evolve[t_evolve.strobo.inds[i] + j] = t_evolve[index]`.
>>> t = Floquet_t_vec(10.0,10) # define a Floquet vector
>>> index = 145 # pick a random index
>>> print(t[index]) # check element
>>> (i,j) = t.get_coordinates(index) # decompose index into stroboscopic coordinates
>>> print( t[t.strobo.inds[i] + j] ) # we obtain back original element
t = self._vals[index]
eps = 1e-15
i = _np.searchsorted(self.strobo._vals, t + eps) - 1
j = _np.where(
_np.abs(t - i * self._T - self._vals[: self.strobo.inds[1]]) < eps
return (i, j)
class _strobo_times:
def __init__(self, t, len_T, ind0):
Calculates stroboscopic times in time vector t with period length len_T and assigns them as
# indices of strobo times
self._inds = _np.arange(0, t.size, len_T).astype(int)
# discrete stroboscopic t_vecs
self._vals = t.take(self._inds)
# update strobo indices to match shifted (ramped) ones
self._inds += ind0
def inds(self):
return self._inds
def vals(self):
return self._vals
def __iter__(self):
return self.vals.__iter__()
def __getitem__(self, s):
return self._vals.__getitem__(s)
def __str__(self):
return str(self._vals)
def __mul__(self, other):
return self._vals * other
def __div__(self, other):
return self._vals / other
def __truediv__(self, other):
return self._vals / other
def __len__(self):
return self._vals.__len__()
class _periodic_ramp:
def __init__(self, N, t, T, len_T, ind0):
"""Defines time vector attributes of each regime."""
self._N = N # total # periods
self._vals = t # time values
self._i = self._vals[0] # initial value
self._f = self._vals[-1] # final value
self._tot = self._N * T # total duration
self._len = self._vals.size # total length
self._strobo = _strobo_times(self._vals, len_T, ind0) # strobo attributes
def __iter__(self):
return self.vals.__iter__()
def __getitem__(self, s):
return self._vals.__getitem__(s)
def __str__(self):
return str(self._vals)
def __mul__(self, other):
return self._vals * other
def __div__(self, other):
return self._vals / other
def __truediv__(self, other):
return self._vals / other
def __len__(self):
return self._vals.__len__()
def N(self):
return self._N
def vals(self):
return self._vals
def i(self):
return self._i
def f(self):
return self._f
def tot(self):
return self._tot
def len(self):
return self._len
def strobo(self):
return self._strobo