# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division
# need linear algebra packages
import scipy.sparse.linalg as _sla
import scipy.linalg as _la
import numpy.linalg as _npla
import scipy.sparse as _sp
import numpy as _np
from inspect import isgenerator as _isgenerator
# needed for isinstance only
from ..basis import isbasis as _isbasis
from ..basis.photon import photon_Hspace_dim
from .evolution import ED_state_vs_time
from .misc import project_op,KL_div,mean_level_spacing
import warnings
__all__ = ["ent_entropy",
def ent_entropy(system_state,basis,chain_subsys=None,DM=False,svd_return_vec=[False,False,False],**_basis_kwargs):
"""DEPRECATED (cf `basis.ent_entropy`). Calculates entanglement entropy of a subsystem using Singular Value Decomposition (svd).
:red:`Note: we recommend the use of the "basis.ent_entropy()" method instead of this function. This function is now deprecated!`
# initiate variables
variables = ["Sent"]
if DM == 'chain_subsys':
elif DM =='other_subsys':
elif DM == 'both':
elif DM and DM not in ['chain_subsys','other_subsys','both']:
raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword argument for 'DM'!")
if svd_return_vec[1]:
### translate arguments
if isinstance(system_state,dict):
if "rho_d" in system_state and "V_rho" in system_state:
V_rho = system_state["V_rho"]
rho_d = system_state["rho_d"]
state = _np.einsum("ji,j,jk->ik",V_rho,rho_d,V_rho.conj())
elif "V_states" in system_state:
raise ValueError("expecting dictionary with keys ['V_rho','rho_d'] or ['V_states']")
Sent = basis.ent_entropy(state,sub_sys_A=chain_subsys,**_basis_kwargs)
# store variables to dictionary
return_dict = {}
for i in variables:
if i == 'lmbda':
return_dict[i] = _np.sqrt( Sent[j] )
return_dict[i] = Sent[j]
return return_dict
def diag_ensemble(N,system_state,E2,V2,density=True,alpha=1.0,rho_d=False,Obs=False,delta_t_Obs=False,delta_q_Obs=False,Sd_Renyi=False,Srdm_Renyi=False,Srdm_args={}):
"""Calculates expectation values in the Diagonal ensemble of the initial state.
Equivalently, these are also the infinite-time expectation values after a sudden quench from a
Hamiltonian :math:`H_1` to a Hamiltonian :math:`H_2`. Let us label the two eigenbases by
.. math::
V_1=\\{|n_1\\rangle: H_1|n_1\\rangle=E_1|n_1\\rangle\\} \\qquad V_2=\\{|n_2\\rangle: H_2|n_2\\rangle=E_2|n_2\\rangle\\}
See eg. `arXiv:1509.06411 <https://arxiv.org/abs/1509.06411>`_ for the physical definition of Diagonal Ensemble.
**Note: All expectation values depend statistically on the symmetry block used via the available number of
states, due to the generic system-size dependence!**
We prepare a quantum system in an eigenstate :math:`\\psi_1` of the Hamiltonian :math:`H_1=\\sum_j hS^x_j + g S^z_j`.
At time :math:`t=0` we quench to the Hamiltonian :math:`H_2=\\sum_j JS^z_{j+1}S^z_j+ hS^x_j + g S^z_j`, and evolve
the initial state :math:`\\psi_1` with it. We compute the infinite-time (i.e. Diagonal Ensemble) expectation value of the Hamiltonian :math:`H_1`, and
it's infinite-time temporal fluctuations :math:`\\delta_t\\mathcal{O}^\\psi_d` (see above for the definition).
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/diag_ens-example.py
:language: python
:lines: 7-
N : int
System size/dimension (e.g. number of sites).
system_state : {array_like,dict}
State of the quantum system; can be either of:
* numpy.ndarray: pure state, shape = (Ns,) or (,Ns).
* numpy.ndarray: density matrix (DM), shape = (Ns,Ns).
* dict: mixed DM as dictionary `{"V1":V1, "E1":E1, "f":f, "f_args":f_args, "V1_state":int, "f_norm":`False`}` to define a diagonal DM in the basis :math:`V_1` of the Hamiltonian :math:`H_1`. The meaning of the keys (keys CANNOT be chosen arbitrarily) is as flollows:
* numpy.ndarray: `V1` (required) contains eigenbasis of :math:`H_1` in the columns.
* numpy.ndarray: `E1` (required) eigenenergies of :math:`H_1`.
* :obj:`function` 'f' (optional) is a function which represents the distribution of the spectrum
used to define the mixed DM of the initial state (see example).
Default is a thermal distribution with inverse temperature `beta`:
`f = lambda E,beta: numpy.exp(-beta*(E - E[0]) )`.
* list(float): `f_args` (required) list of arguments for function `f`.
If `f` is not defined, by default we have :math:`f(E)=\\exp(-\\beta(E - E_\\mathrm{GS}))`,
and `f_args=[beta]` specifies the inverse temeprature.
* list(int): `V1_state` (optional) is a list of integers to specify arbitrary states of `V1`
whose pure expectations are also returned.
* bool: `f_norm` (optional). If set to `False` the mixed DM built from `f` is NOT normalised
and the norm is returned under the key `f_norm`.
Use this option if you need to average your results over multiple symmetry blocks, which
require a separate normalisations.
If this option is specified, then all Diagonal Ensemble quantities are averaged over
the energy distribution :math:`f(E_1,f\\_args)`:
.. math::
\\overline{\\mathcal{M}_d} = \\frac{1}{Z_f}\\sum_{n_1} f(E_{n_1},f\\_args)\\mathcal{M}^{n_1}_d, \\qquad \\mathcal{M}^{\\psi}_d = \\langle\\mathcal{O}\\rangle_d^\\psi,\\ \\delta_q\\mathcal{O}^\\psi_d,\\ \\delta_t\\mathcal{O}^\\psi_d,\\ S_d^\\psi,\\ S_\\mathrm{rdm}^\\psi
V2 : numpy.ndarray
Contains the basis of the Hamiltonian :math:`H_2` in the columns.
E2 : numpy.ndarray
Contains the eigenenergies corresponding to the eigenstates in `V2`.
This variable is only used to check for degeneracies, in which case the function is NOT expected to
produce correct resultsand raises an error.
rho_d : bool, optional
When set to `True`, returns the Diagonal ensemble DM. Default is `False`.
Adds the key "rho_d" to output.
For example, if `system_state` is the pure state :math:`|\\psi\\rangle`:
.. math::
\\rho_d^\\psi = \\sum_{n_2} \\left|\\langle\\psi|n_2\\rangle\\right|^2\\left|n_2\\rangle\\langle n_2\\right| = \\sum_{n_2} \\left(\\rho_d^\\psi\\right)_{n_2n_2}\\left|n_2\\rangle\\langle n_2\\right|
Obs : :obj:, optional
Hermitian matrix of the same shape as `V2`, to calculate the Diagonal ensemble expectation value of.
Adds the key "Obs" to output. Can be of type `numpy.ndarray` or an instance of the `hamiltonian` class.
For example, if `system_state` is the pure state :math:`|\\psi\\rangle`:
.. math::
\\langle\\mathcal{O}\\rangle_d^\\psi = \\lim_{T\\to\\infty}\\frac{1}{T}\\int_0^T\\mathrm{d}t \\frac{1}{N}\\langle\\psi\\left|\\mathcal{O}(t)\\right|\\psi\\rangle = \\frac{1}{N}\\sum_{n_2}\\left(\\rho_d^\\psi\\right)_{n_2n_2} \\langle n_2\\left|\\mathcal{O}\\right|n_2\\rangle
delta_q_Obs : bool, optional
QUANTUM fluctuations of the expectation of `Obs` at infinite times. Requires `Obs`. Calculates
temporal fluctuations `delta_t_Obs` for along the way (see above).
Adds keys "delta_q_Obs" and "delta_t_Obs" to output.
For example, if `system_state` is the pure state :math:`|\\psi\\rangle`:
.. math::
\\delta_q\\mathcal{O}^\\psi_d = \\frac{1}{N}\\sqrt{\\lim_{T\\to\\infty}\\frac{1}{T}\\int_0^T\\mathrm{d}t \\langle\\psi\\left| \\mathcal{O}(t)\\right| \\psi\\rangle^2 - \\langle\\mathcal{O}\\rangle_d^2}= \\frac{1}{N}\\sqrt{ \\sum_{n_2\\neq m_2} \\left(\\rho_d^\\psi\\right)_{n_2n_2} [\\mathcal{O}]^2_{n_2m_2} \\left(\\rho_d^\\psi\\right)_{m_2m_2} }
delta_t_Obs : bool, optional
TEMPORAL fluctuations around infinite-time expectation of `Obs`. Requires `Obs`.
Adds the key "delta_t_Obs" to output.
For example, if `system_state` is the pure state :math:`|\\psi\\rangle`:
.. math::
\\delta_t\\mathcal{O}^\\psi_d = \\frac{1}{N}\\sqrt{ \\lim_{T\\to\\infty}\\frac{1}{T}\\int_0^T\\mathrm{d}t \\langle\\psi\\left|[\\mathcal{O}(t)]^2\\right|\\psi\\rangle - \\langle\\psi\\left|\\mathcal{O}(t)\\right|\\psi\\rangle^2} = \\frac{1}{N}\\sqrt{\\langle\\mathcal{O}^2\\rangle_d - \\langle\\mathcal{O}\\rangle_d^2 - \\left(\\delta_q\\mathcal{O}^\\psi_d\\right)^2 }
alpha : float, optional
Renyi :math:`alpha` parameter. Default is `alpha = 1.0`.
Sd_Renyi : bool, optional
Computes the DIAGONAL Renyi entropy in the basis of :math:`H_2`. \
The default Renyi parameter is `alpha=1.0` (see below). \
Adds the key "Sd_Renyi" to output.\
For example, if `system_state` is the pure state :math:`|\\psi\\rangle`:
.. math::
S_d^\\psi = \\frac{1}{1-\\alpha}\\log\\mathrm{tr}\\left(\\rho_d^\\psi\\right)^\\alpha
Srdm_Renyi : bool, optional
Computes ENTANGLEMENT Renyi entropy of a subsystem (see `Srdm_args` for subsystem definition).
Requires passing the (otherwise optional) argument `Srdm_args` (see below).
The default Renyi parameter is `alpha=1.0` (see below).
Adds the key "Srdm_Renyi" to output.
For example, if `system_state` is the pure state :math:`|\\psi\\rangle`
(see also notation in documentation of `ent_entropy`):
.. math::
S_\\mathrm{rdm}^\\psi = \\frac{1}{1-\\alpha}\\log \\mathrm{tr}_{A} \\left( \\mathrm{tr}_{A^c} \\rho_d^\\psi \\right)^\\alpha
Srdm_args : dict, semi-optional
Dictionary which contains all arguments required for the computation of the entanglement Renyi
entropy. Required when `Srdm_Renyi = True`. The following keys are allowed/supported:
* "basis": obj(basis), required
Basis used to build `system_state` in. Must be an instance of the `basis` class.
* "chain_subsys" : list, optional
Lattice sites to specify the chain subsystem of interest. Default is:
-- [0,1,...,N/2-1,N/2] for `spin_basis_1d`, `fermion_basis_1d`, `boson_basis_1d`.
-- [0,1,...,N-1,N] for `photon_basis`.
density : bool, optional
If set to `True`, all observables are normalised by the system size `N`, except
for the `Srdm_Renyi` which is normalised by the subsystem size, i.e. by the length of `chain_subsys`.
Default is 'True'.
The following keys of the output are possible, depending on the choice of flags:
* "rho_d": density matrix of Diagonal Ensemble.
* "Obs...": infinite-time expectation of observable `Obs`.
* "delta_t_Obs...": infinite-time temporal fluctuations of `Obs`.
* "delta_q_Obs...": infinite-time quantum fluctuations of `Obs`.
* "Sd..." ("Sd_Renyi..." for :math:`\\alpha\\neq1.0`): Renyi diagonal entropy of density matrix of `rho_d` with parameter `alpha`.
* "Srdm..." ("Srdm_Renyi..." for :math:`\\alpha\\neq1.0`): Renyi entanglement entropy of reduced DM of`rho_d` (`rho_d` is a mixed DM itself) with parameter `alpha`.
Replace "..." above by 'pure', 'thermal' or 'mixed' depending on input parameters.
# check if E2 are all unique
E2 = _np.asarray(E2)
if _np.any( _np.diff(_np.sort(E2)) < 1E3*_np.finfo(E2.dtype).eps):
raise TypeError("Cannot use function 'diag_ensemble' with dengenerate e'values 'E2'!")
del E2
if N and not(type(N) is int):
raise TypeError("System size 'N' must be a positive integer!")
# various checks
if delta_t_Obs or delta_q_Obs:
if not Obs:
raise TypeError("Expecting to parse the observable 'Obs' whenever 'delta_t_Obs = True' or 'delta_q_Obs = True'!")
# calculate diagonal ensemble DM
if isinstance(system_state,(list, tuple, _np.ndarray)): # initial state either pure or DM
if len(system_state.shape)==1: # pure state
istate = 'pure'
# calculate diag ensemble DM
rho = abs( system_state.conj().dot(V2) )**2;
elif len(system_state.shape)==2: # DM
istate = 'DM'
# calculate diag ensemble DM
rho = _np.einsum( 'ij,ji->i', V2.T.conj(), system_state.dot(V2) ).real
elif isinstance(system_state,dict): # initial state is defined by diag distr
# define allowed keys
key_strings = ['V1','E1','f','f_args','V1_state','f_norm']
if 'V1' in system_state.keys():
V1 = system_state['V1']
raise TypeError("Dictionary 'system_state' must contain states matrix 'V1'!")
if 'E1' in system_state.keys():
E1 = _np.asarray( system_state['E1'] )
if any(sorted(E1)!=E1):
raise TypeError("Expecting ordered vector of energies 'E1'!")
raise TypeError("Dictionary 'system_state' must contain eigenvalues vector 'E1'!")
if 'f_args' in system_state.keys():
f_args = system_state['f_args']
raise TypeError("Dictionary 'system_state' must contain function arguments list 'f_args'!")
if 'V1_state' in system_state.keys():
V1_state = system_state['V1_state']
# check if user has passed the distribution 'f'
if 'f' in system_state.keys():
f = system_state['f']
istate = 'mixed'
istate = 'thermal'
# define Gibbs distribution (up to normalisation)
f = lambda E1,beta: _np.exp(-beta*(E1 - E1[0]))
if 'f_norm' in system_state.keys():
f_norm = system_state['f_norm']
f_norms = _np.zeros((len(f_args[0])),dtype=type(f_args[0][0]) )
f_norm = True
if 'V1_state' in locals():
if not all(isinstance(item, int) for item in V1_state):
raise TypeError("Expecting an integer value for variable 'V1_state'!")
if min(V1_state) < 0 or max(V1_state) > len(E1)-1:
raise TypeError("Value 'V1_state' violates '0 <= V1_state <= len(E1)-1'!")
# define diagonal (in V1) mixed DM
rho_mixed = _np.zeros((len(E1),len(f_args[0])),dtype=type(f_args[0][0]) )
for i, arg in enumerate(f_args[0]):
if f_norm:
rho_mixed[:,i] = f(E1,arg) / sum(f(E1,arg))
rho_mixed[:,i] = f(E1,arg)
# calculate normalisation
f_norms[i] = sum(f(E1,arg))
# calculate diag ensemble DM for each state in V1
rho = abs( V2.conj().T.dot(V1) )**2 # components are (n,psi)
del V1, E1
raise TypeError("Wrong variable type for 'system_state'! E.g., use np.ndarray.")
# clear up memory
del system_state
# add floating point number to zero elements
rho[rho<=1E-16] = _np.finfo(rho.dtype).eps
# prepare observables
if Obs is not False or delta_t_Obs is not False or delta_q_Obs is not False:
if (delta_t_Obs or delta_q_Obs) and Obs is not False:
# diagonal matrix elements of Obs^2 in the basis V2
#delta_t_Obs = _np.einsum( 'ij,ji->i', V2.T.conj(), Obs.dot(Obs).dot(V2) ).real
Obs = V2.T.conj().dot( Obs.dot(V2) )
delta_t_Obs = _np.square(Obs)
if delta_q_Obs is not False:
delta_q_Obs = _np.diag(Obs.dot(Obs)).real
Obs = _np.diag(Obs).real
elif Obs is not False:
# diagonal matrix elements of Obs in the basis V2
Obs = _np.einsum('ij,ji->i', V2.transpose().conj(), Obs.dot(V2) ).real
if Srdm_Renyi:
# calculate singular values of columns of V2
v, _, N_A = _reshape_as_subsys({"V_states":V2},**Srdm_args)
U, lmbda, _ = _npla.svd(v, full_matrices=False)
if istate in ['mixed','thermal']:
DM_chain_subsys = _np.einsum('nm,nij,nj,nkj->mik',rho,U,lmbda**2,U.conj() )
DM_chain_subsys = _np.einsum('n,nij,nj,nkj->ik',rho,U,lmbda**2,U.conj() )
Srdm_Renyi = _npla.eigvalsh(DM_chain_subsys).T # components (i,psi)
del v, U, DM_chain_subsys
del partial_tr_args['basis']
if 'sub_sys_A' in Srdm_args:
sub_sys_A = Srdm_args['sub_sys_A']
del partial_tr_args['sub_sys_A']
elif 'chain_subsys' in Srdm_args:
sub_sys_A = Srdm_args['chain_subsys']
del partial_tr_args['chain_subsys']
rdm_A = basis.partial_trace(V2,sub_sys_A=sub_sys_A,enforce_pure=True,**partial_tr_args)
rdm = _np.einsum('n...,nij->...ij',rho,rdm_A)
Srdm_Renyi = _npla.eigvalsh(rdm).T # components (i,psi)
# clear up memory
del V2
# calculate diag expectation values
Expt_Diag = _inf_time_obs(rho,istate,alpha=alpha,Obs=Obs,delta_t_Obs=delta_t_Obs,delta_q_Obs=delta_q_Obs,Srdm_Renyi=Srdm_Renyi,Sd_Renyi=Sd_Renyi)
# compute density
for key,value in Expt_Diag.items():
if density:
if 'rdm' in key:
value /= N_A
value /= N
Expt_Diag[key] = value
# calculate thermal expectations
if istate in ['mixed','thermal']:
Expt_Diag_state = {}
Expt_Diag[key] = value.dot(rho_mixed)
# if 'GS' option is passed save GS value
if 'V1_state' in locals():
state_key = key[:-len(istate)]+'V1_state'
Expt_Diag_Vstate[state_key] = value[V1_state]
# merge state and mixed dicts
if istate in ['mixed','thermal']:
if f_norm==False:
Expt_Diag['f_norm'] = f_norms
if 'V1_state' in locals():
# return diag ensemble density matrix if requested
if rho_d:
if 'V1_state' in locals():
Expt_Diag['rho_d'] = rho[:,V1_state]
Expt_Diag['rho_d'] = rho
return Expt_Diag
def obs_vs_time(psi_t,times,Obs_dict,return_state=False,Sent_args={},enforce_pure=False,verbose=False):
"""Calculates expectation value of observable(s) as a function of time in a time-dependent state.
This function computes the expectation of a time-dependent state :math:`|\\psi(t)\\rangle` in a time-dependent observable :math:`\\mathcal{O}(t)`.
It automatically handles the cases where only the state or only the observable is time-dependent.
.. math::
The following example shows how to calculate the expectation values :math:`\\langle\\psi_1(t)|H_1|\\psi_1(t)\\rangle`
and :math:`\\langle\\psi_1(t)|H_2|\\psi_1(t)\\rangle`.
The initial state is an eigenstate of :math:`H_1=\\sum_j hS^x_j + g S^z_j`. The time evolution is done
under :math:`H_2=\\sum_j JS^z_{j+1}S^z_j+ hS^x_j + g S^z_j`.
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/obs_vs_time-example.py
:language: python
:lines: 7-
psi_t : {tuple,aray_like,generator}
Time-dependent state data; can be either one of:
* tuple: `psi_t = (psi, E, V)` where
-- np.ndarray: initial state `psi`.
-- np.ndarray: unitary matrix `V`, contains all eigenstates of the Hamiltonian :math:`H`.
-- np.ndarray: real-valued array `E`, contains all eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian :math:`H`.
The order of the eigenvalues must correspond to the order of the columns of `V`.
Use this option when the initial state is evolved with a time-INdependent Hamiltonian :math:`H`.
* numpy.ndarray: array with the states evaluated at `times` stored in the last dimension.
Can be 2D (single time-dependent state) or 3D (many time-dependent states or
time-dep mixed density matrix, see `enforce_pure` argument.)
Use this option for PARALLELISATION over many states.
* obj: generator which generates the states.
Obs_dict : dict
Dictionary with observables (e.g. `hamiltonian objects`) stored in the `values`, to calculate
their time-dependent expectation value. Dictionary `keys` are chosen by user.
times : numpy.ndarray
Vector of times to evaluate the expectation values at. This is important for time-dependent observables.
return_state : bool, optional
If set to `True`, adds key "psi_time" to output. The columns of the array
contain the state vector at the `times` which specifies the column index. Default is `False`, unless
`Sent_args` is nonempty.
Srdm_args : dict, optional
If nonempty, this dictionary contains the arguments necessary for the calculation of the entanglement
entropy. The following key is required:
* "basis": the basis used to build `system_state` in. Must be an instance of the `basis` class.
The user can choose optional arguments according to those provided in the function method
`basis.ent_entropy()` of the `basis` class [preferred], or the function `ent_entropy()`.
If only the `basis` is passed, the default parameters of `basis.ent_entropy()` are assumed.
enforce_pure : bool, optional
Flag to enforce pure state expectation values in the case that `psi_t` is an array of pure states
in the columns. (`psi_t` will otherwise be interpreted as a mixed density matrix).
verbose : bool, optional
If set to `True`, displays a message at every `times` step after the calculation is complete.
Default is `False`.
The following keys of the output are possible, depending on the choice of flags:
* "custom_name": for each key of `Obs_dict`, the time-dependent expectation of the
corresponding observable `Obs_dict[key]` is calculated and returned under the user-defined name
for the observable.
* "psi_t": (optional) returns time-dependent state, if `return_state=True` or `Srdm_args` is nonempty.
* "Sent_time": (optional) returns dictionary with keys corresponding to the entanglement entropy
calculation for each time in `times`. Can have more keys than just "Sent_A", e.g. if the reduced
DM was also requested (toggled through `Srdm_args`.)
from ..operators import ishamiltonian,hamiltonian
variables = ['Expt_time']
if not isinstance(Obs_dict,dict):
raise ValueError("Obs_dict must be a dictionary.")
num_Obs = len(Obs_dict.keys())
for key, val in Obs_dict.items():
if not ishamiltonian(val):
if not(_sp.issparse(val)) and not(val.__class__ in [_np.ndarray,_np.matrix]):
val =_np.asanyarray(val)
Obs_dict[key] = hamiltonian([val],[],dtype=val.dtype)
if type(psi_t) is tuple:
psi,E,V = psi_t
if V.ndim != 2 or V.shape[0] != V.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("'V' must be a square matrix")
if V.shape[0] != len(E):
raise TypeError("Number of eigenstates in 'V' must equal number of eigenvalues in 'E'!")
if len(psi) != len(E):
raise TypeError("Variables 'psi' and 'E' must have the same dimension!")
for Obs in Obs_dict.values():
if V.shape != Obs._shape:
raise TypeError("shapes of 'V1' and 'Obs' must be equal!")
if _np.isscalar(times):
TypeError("Variable 'times' must be a array or iter like object!")
if return_state:
# get iterator over time dependent state (see function above)
if return_state:
psi_t = ED_state_vs_time(psi,E,V,times,iterate=False)
psi_t = ED_state_vs_time(psi,E,V,times,iterate=True)
elif psi_t.__class__ in [_np.ndarray,_np.matrix]:
for Obs in Obs_dict.values():
if psi_t.shape[0] != Obs._shape[1]:
raise ValueError("states must be in columns of input matrix.")
if return_state:
return_state=True # set to True to use einsum but do not return state
elif _isgenerator(psi_t):
if return_state:
psi_t_list = []
for psi in psi_t:
psi_t = _np.squeeze(_np.dstack(psi_t_list))
for Obs in Obs_dict.values():
if psi_t.shape[0] != Obs._shape[1]:
raise ValueError("states must be in columns of input matrix.")
raise ValueError("input not recognized")
# calculate observables and Sent
Expt_time = {}
calc_Sent = False
if len(Sent_args) > 0:
Sent_args = dict(Sent_args)
basis = Sent_args.get("basis")
if basis is None:
raise ValueError("Sent_args requires 'basis' for calculation")
if not _isbasis(basis):
raise ValueError("'basis' object must be a proper basis object")
if ("chain_subsys" in Sent_args) or ("DM" in Sent_args) or ("svd_return_vec" in Sent_args):
calc_ent_entropy = ent_entropy
calc_ent_entropy = basis.ent_entropy
del Sent_args["basis"]
calc_Sent = True
if return_state:
for key,Obs in Obs_dict.items():
# calculate entanglement entropy if requested
if calc_Sent:
Sent_time = calc_ent_entropy(psi_t,**Sent_args)
psi = next(psi_t) # get first state from iterator.
# do first calculations of loop
time = times[0]
for key,Obs in Obs_dict.items():
val = Obs.expt_value(psi,time=time,check=False)
Expt_time[key] = [val]
# get initial dictionary from ent_entropy function
# use this to set up dictionary for the rest of calculation.
if calc_Sent:
Sent_time = calc_ent_entropy(psi,**Sent_args)
for key,val in Sent_time.items():
val = _np.asarray(val)
dtype = val.dtype
shape = (len(times),) + val.shape
Sent_time[key] = _np.zeros(shape,dtype=dtype)
Sent_time[key][0] = val
# loop over psi generator
for m,psi in enumerate(psi_t):
time = times[m+1]
if verbose: print("obs_vs_time integrated to t={:.4f}".format(time))
for key,Obs in Obs_dict.items():
if calc_Sent:
Sent_time_update = calc_ent_entropy(psi,**Sent_args)
for key in Sent_time.keys():
Sent_time[key][m+1] = Sent_time_update[key]
return_dict = {}
for i in variables:
if i == 'Expt_time':
for key,val in Expt_time.items():
return_dict[key] = _np.asarray(val)
return_dict[i] = locals()[i]
return return_dict
##### private functions
def _ent_entropy(system_state,basis,chain_subsys=None,density=False,subsys_ordering=True,alpha=1.0,DM=False,svd_return_vec=[False,False,False]):
This function calculates the entanglement entropy of a lattice quantum subsystem based on the Singular Value Decomposition (svd). The entanglement entropy is NORMALISED by the size of the
reduced subsystem.
RETURNS: dictionary with keys:
'Sent': entanglement entropy.
'DM_chain_subsys': (optional) reduced density matrix of chain subsystem.
'DM_other_subsys': (optional) reduced density matrix of the complement subsystem.
'U': (optional) svd U matrix
'V': (optional) svd V matrix
'lmbda': (optional) svd singular values
--- arguments ---
system_state: (required) the state of the quantum system. Can be a:
-- pure state [numpy array of shape (Ns,)].
-- density matrix (DM) [numpy array of shape (Ns,Ns)].
-- diagonal DM [dictionary {'V_rho': V_rho, 'rho_d': rho_d} containing the diagonal DM
rho_d [numpy array of shape (Ns,)] and its eigenbasis in the columns of V_rho
[numpy arary of shape (Ns,Ns)]. The keys CANNOT be chosen arbitrarily.].
-- a collection of states [dictionary {'V_states':V_states}] containing the states
in the columns of V_states [shape (Ns,Nvecs)]
basis: (required) the basis used to build 'system_state'. Must be an instance of 'photon_basis',
'spin_basis_1d', 'fermion_basis_1d', 'boson_basis_1d'.
chain_subsys: (optional) a list of lattice sites to specify the chain subsystem. Default is
-- [0,1,...,N/2-1,N/2] for 'spin_basis_1d', 'fermion_basis_1d', 'boson_basis_1d'.
-- [0,1,...,N-1,N] for 'photon_basis'.
DM: (optional) String to enable the calculation of the reduced density matrix. Available options are
-- 'chain_subsys': calculates the reduced DM of the subsystem 'chain_subsys' and
returns it under the key 'DM_chain_subsys'.
-- 'other_subsys': calculates the reduced DM of the complement of 'chain_subsys' and
returns it under the key 'DM_other_subsys'.
-- 'both': calculates and returns both density matrices as defined above.
Default is 'False'.
alpha: (optional) Renyi alpha parameter. Default is '1.0'. When alpha is different from unity,
the _entropy keys have attached '_Renyi' to their label.
density: (optional) if set to 'True', the entanglement _entropy is normalised by the size of the
subsystem [i.e., by the length of 'chain_subsys']. Detault is 'False'.
subsys_ordering: (optional) if set to 'True', 'chain_subsys' is being ordered. Default is 'True'.
svd_return_vec: (optional) list of three booleans to return Singular Value Decomposition (svd)
-- [True, . , . ] returns the svd matrix 'U'.
-- [ . ,True, . ] returns the singular values 'lmbda'.
-- [ . , . ,True] returns the svd matrix 'V'.
Any combination of the above is possible. Default is [False,False,False].
# initiate variables
variables = ["Sent"]
if DM=='chain_subsys':
if svd_return_vec[0]:
elif DM=='other_subsys':
if svd_return_vec[2]:
elif DM=='both':
if svd_return_vec[0]:
if svd_return_vec[2]:
elif DM and DM not in ['chain_subsys','other_subsys','both']:
raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword argument for 'DM'!")
if svd_return_vec[1]:
# calculate reshaped system_state
v, rho_d, N_A = _reshape_as_subsys(system_state,basis,chain_subsys=chain_subsys,subsys_ordering=subsys_ordering)
del system_state
This function has room for improvement: if only DM is requested, it can be obtained by
DM_chain_subsys = v[0].dot(v[0].T)
DM_other_subsys = v[0].T.dot(v[0])
so there's NO NEED for an SVD!!!
if DM == False:
if rho_d is not None and rho_d.shape!=(1,): # need DM for Sent of a mixed system_state
U, lmbda, _ = _npla.svd(v, full_matrices=False)
DM_chain_subsys = _np.einsum('n,nij,nj,nkj->ik',rho_d,U,lmbda**2,U.conj() )
lmbda = _npla.svd(v.squeeze(), compute_uv=False)
elif DM == 'chain_subsys':
U, lmbda, _ = _npla.svd(v, full_matrices=False)
if rho_d is not None:
DM_chain_subsys = _np.einsum('n,nij,nj,nkj->ik',rho_d,U,lmbda**2,U.conj() )
DM_chain_subsys = _np.einsum('nij,nj,nkj->nik',U,lmbda**2,U.conj() )
elif DM == 'other_subsys':
_, lmbda, V = _npla.svd(v, full_matrices=False)
if rho_d is not None:
DM_other_subsys = _np.einsum('n,nji,nj,njk->ik',rho_d,V.conj(),lmbda**2,V )
DM_other_subsys = _np.einsum('nji,nj,njk->nik',V.conj(),lmbda**2,V )
elif DM == 'both':
U, lmbda, V = _npla.svd(v, full_matrices=False)
if rho_d is not None:
DM_chain_subsys = _np.einsum('n,nij,nj,nkj->ik',rho_d,U,lmbda**2,U.conj() )
DM_other_subsys = _np.einsum('n,nji,nj,njk->ik',rho_d,V.conj(),lmbda**2,V )
DM_chain_subsys = _np.einsum('nij,nj,nkj->nik',U,lmbda**2,U.conj() )
DM_other_subsys = _np.einsum('nji,nj,njk->nik',V.conj(),lmbda**2,V )
del v
# calculate singular values of reduced DM and the corresponding probabilities
if rho_d is not None and rho_d.shape!=(1,):
# diagonalise reduced DM
if DM in ['chain_subsys', 'both']:
p = _npla.eigvalsh(DM_chain_subsys)
elif DM == 'other_subsys':
p = _npla.eigvalsh(DM_other_subsys)
if svd_return_vec[1]: # if lmdas requested by user
lmbda = _np.sqrt(abs(p))
else:# calculate probabilities
p = (lmbda**2.0).T
# add floating point number to zero elements
p[p<=1E-16] = _np.finfo(p.dtype).eps
# calculate entanglement _entropy of 'system_state'
if alpha == 1.0:
Sent = -_np.sum( p*_np.log(p),axis=0).squeeze()
Sent = 1.0/(1.0-alpha)*_np.log(_np.sum(p**alpha, axis=0)).squeeze()
if density:
Sent /= N_A
# store variables to dictionar
return_dict = {}
for i in variables:
return_dict[i] = vars()[i]
return return_dict
def _reshape_as_subsys(system_state,basis,chain_subsys=None,subsys_ordering=True):
This function reshapes an input state (or matrix with 'Nstates' initial states) into an array of
the shape (Nstates,Ns_subsys,Ns_other) with 'Ns_subsys' and 'Ns_other' the Hilbert space dimensions
of the subsystem and its complement, respectively.
RETURNS: reshaped state,
vector with eigenvalues of the DM associated with the initial state,
subsystem size
--- arguments ---
system_state: (required) the state of the quantum system. Can be a:
-- pure state [numpy array of shape (1,) or (,1)].
-- density matrix (DM) [numpy array of shape (1,1)].
-- diagonal DM [dictionary {'V_rho': V_rho, 'rho_d': rho_d} containing the diagonal DM
rho_d [numpy array of shape (1,) or (,1)] and its eigenbasis in the columns of V_rho
[numpy arary of shape (1,1)]. The keys are CANNOT be chosen arbitrarily. 'rho_d'
can be 'None', but needs to always be passed.
-- a collection of states [dictionary {'V_states':V_states}] containing the states
in the columns of V_states [shape (Ns,Nvecs)]
basis: (required) the basis used to build 'system_state'. Must be an instance of 'photon_basis',
'spin_basis_1d', 'fermion_basis_1d', 'boson_basis_1d'.
chain_subsys: (optional) a list of lattice sites to specify the chain subsystem. Default is
-- [0,1,...,N/2-1,N/2] for 'spin_basis_1d', 'fermion_basis_1d', 'boson_basis_1d'.
-- [0,1,...,N-1,N] for 'photon_basis'.
subsys_ordering: (optional) if set to 'True', 'chain_subsys' is being ordered. Default is 'True'.
N = basis.N
except AttributeError:
N = basis.particle_N
if chain_subsys is not None:
chain_subsys = [i for i in iter(chain_subsys)]
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("Expecting iterable for for 'chain_subsys'!")
if len(chain_subsys) == 0:
raise TypeError("Expecting a nonempty iterable for 'chain_subsys'!")
elif min(chain_subsys) < 0:
raise TypeError("'subsys' must be contain nonnegative numbers!")
elif max(chain_subsys) > N-1:
raise TypeError("'subsys' contains sites exceeding the total lattice site number!")
elif len(set(chain_subsys)) < len(chain_subsys):
raise TypeError("'subsys' cannot contain repeating site indices!")
elif any(not _np.issubdtype(type(s),_np.integer) for s in chain_subsys):
raise ValueError("'subsys' must iterable of integers with values in {0,...,L-1}!")
elif subsys_ordering:
if len(set(chain_subsys))==len(chain_subsys) and sorted(chain_subsys)!=chain_subsys:
# if chain subsys is def with unordered sites, order them
warnings.warn("'subsys' {} contains non-ordered sites. 'subsys' re-ordered! To change default set 'subsys_ordering = False'.".format(chain_subsys),stacklevel=4)
chain_subsys = sorted(chain_subsys)
if isinstance(system_state,dict):
keys = set(system_state.keys())
if keys == set(['V_rho','rho_d']):
istate = 'DM'
# define initial state
rho_d = system_state['rho_d']
if rho_d.shape != (basis.Ns,):
raise ValueError("expecting a 1d array 'rho_d' of size {}!".format(basis.Ns))
elif _np.any(rho_d < 0):
raise ValueError("expecting positive eigenvalues for 'rho_d'!")
psi = system_state['V_rho']
if psi.shape != (basis.Ns,basis.Ns):
raise ValueError("expecting a 2d array 'V_rho' of size ({},{})!".format(basis.Ns,basis.Ns))
elif keys == set(['V_states']):
istate = 'pure'
rho_d = None
psi = system_state['V_states']
raise ValueError("expecting dictionary with keys ['V_rho','rho_d'] or ['V_states']")
if _sp.issparse(system_state):
warnings.warn("ent_entropy function only handles numpy.ndarrays, sparse matrix will be comverted to dense matrix.",UserWarning,stacklevel=4)
system_state = system_state.todense()
if system_state.shape[1] == 1:
system_state = system_state.ravel()
elif system_state.__class__ not in [_np.ndarray,_np.matrix]:
system_state = _np.asanyarray(system_state)
if psi.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError("Expecting ndim == 2 for V_states.")
if psi.shape[0] != basis.Ns:
raise ValueError("V_states shape {0} not compatible with basis size: {1}.".format(psi.shape,basis.Ns))
if _sp.issparse(system_state):
warnings.warn("ent_entropy function only handles numpy.ndarrays, sparse matrix will be comverted to dense matrix.",UserWarning,stacklevel=4)
system_state = system_state.todense()
if system_state.shape[1] == 1:
system_state = system_state.ravel()
elif system_state.__class__ not in [_np.ndarray,_np.matrix]:
system_state = _np.asanyarray(system_state)
if system_state.ndim == 1: # pure state
istate = 'pure'
# define initial state
psi = system_state
rho_d = _np.reshape(1.0,(1,))
elif system_state.ndim == 2: # DM
if system_state.shape[0] != system_state.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("Expecting square array for Density Matrix.")
istate = 'DM'
# diagonalise DM
rho_d, psi = _la.eigh(system_state)
if _np.min(rho_d) < 0 and abs(_np.min(rho_d)) > 1E3*_np.finfo(rho_d.dtype).eps:
raise ValueError("Expecting DM to have positive spectrum")
elif abs(1.0 - _np.sum(rho_d) ) > 1E3*_np.finfo(rho_d.dtype).eps:
raise ValueError("Expecting eigenvalues of DM to sum to unity!")
rho_d = abs(rho_d)
if psi.shape[0] != basis.Ns:
raise ValueError("V_states shape {0} not compatible with basis size: {1}.".format(psi.shape,basis.Ns))
# clear up memory
del system_state
# define number of participating states in 'system_state'
Ns = psi[0,].size
if basis.__class__.__name__[:-9] in ['spin','boson','fermion']:
# set chain subsys if not defined
if chain_subsys is None:
chain_subsys=list(i for i in range( N//2 ))
warnings.warn("Subsystem contains sites {}.".format(chain_subsys),stacklevel=4)
# re-write the state in the initial basis
if basis.Ns<basis.sps**N:
psi = basis.get_vec(psi,sparse=False)
#calculate H-space dimensions of the subsystem and the system
N_A = len(chain_subsys)
Ns_A = basis.sps**N_A
# define lattice indices putting the subsystem to the left
system = chain_subsys[:]
[system.append(i) for i in range(N) if not i in chain_subsys]
the algorithm for the entanglement _entropy of an arbitrary subsystem goes as follows
for spin-1/2 and fermions [replace the onsite DOF (=2 below) with # states per site (basis.sps)]:
1) the initial state psi has 2^N entries corresponding to the spin-z configs
2) reshape psi into a 2x2x2x2x...x2 dimensional array (N products in total). Call this array v.
3) v should satisfy the property that v[0,1,0,0,0,1,...,1,0], total of N entries, should give the entry of psi
along the the spin-z basis vector direction (0,1,0,0,0,1,...,1,0). This ensures a correspondence of the v-indices
(and thus the psi-entries) to the N lattice sites.
4) fix the lattice sites that define the subsystem N_A, and reshuffle the array v according to this: e.g. if the
subsystem consistes of sites (k,l) then v should be reshuffled such that v[(k,l), (all other sites)]
5) reshape v[(k,l), (all other sites)] into a 2D array of dimension ( N_A x N/N_A ) and proceed with the SVD as below
if chain_subsys==list(range(len(chain_subsys))):
# chain_subsys sites come in consecutive order
# define reshape tuple
reshape_tuple2 = (Ns, Ns_A, basis.sps**N//Ns_A)
# reshape states
v = _np.reshape(psi.T, reshape_tuple2)
del psi
else: # if chain_subsys not consecutive or staring site not [0]
# performs 2) and 3)
# update reshape tuple
reshape_tuple1 = (Ns,) + tuple([basis.sps for i in range(N)])
# upadte axes dimensions
system = [s+1 for s in system]
# reshape states
v = _np.reshape(psi.T,reshape_tuple1)
del psi
# performs 4)
# performs 5)
reshape_tuple2 = (Ns, Ns_A, basis.sps**N//Ns_A)
v = _np.reshape(v,reshape_tuple2)
elif basis.__class__.__name__[:-6] == 'photon':
# set chain subsys if not defined;
if chain_subsys is None:
chain_subsys=list(range( int(N) ))
warnings.warn("subsystem set to the entire chain.",stacklevel=4)
#calculate H-space dimensions of the subsystem and the system
N_A = len(chain_subsys)
Ns_A = basis.sps**N_A
# define lattice indices putting the subsystem to the left
system = chain_subsys[:]
[system.append(i) for i in range(N) if not i in chain_subsys]
# re-write the state in the initial basis
if basis.Nph is not None: # no total particle conservation
Nph = basis.Nph
if basis.Ns < photon_Hspace_dim(N,basis.Ntot,basis.Nph): #chain symmetries present
if N_A!=N: # doesn't make use of chain symmetries
psi = basis.get_vec(psi,sparse=False,full_part=True)
else: # makes use of symmetries
Ns_chain = basis.chain_Ns
Ns_chain = basis.sps**N
elif basis.Ntot is not None: # total particle-conservation
Nph = basis.Ntot
if basis.Ns < photon_Hspace_dim(N,basis.Ntot,basis.Nph): #chain symmetries present
if N_A==N: # make use of symmetries
psi = basis.get_vec(psi,sparse=False,full_part=False)
Ns_chain = basis.chain_Ns
else: # doesn't make use of symmetries
psi = basis.get_vec(psi,sparse=False,full_part=True)
Ns_chain = basis.sps**N
else: # no chain symmetries present
if N_A==N:
psi = basis.get_vec(psi,sparse=False,full_part=False)
psi = basis.get_vec(psi,sparse=False,full_part=True)
Ns_chain = basis.chain_Ns
if chain_subsys == list(range(len(chain_subsys))):
# chain_subsys sites come in consecutive order or staring site not [0]
# define reshape tuple
if N_A==N: # chain_subsys equals entire lattice
reshape_tuple2 = (Ns, Ns_chain,Nph+1)
else: #chain_subsys is smaller than entire lattice
reshape_tuple2 = (Ns, Ns_A, basis.sps**(N-N_A)*(Nph+1) )
v = _np.reshape(psi.T,reshape_tuple2)
del psi
else: # if chain_subsys not consecutive
# performs 2) and 3)
reshape_tuple1 = (Ns,) + tuple([basis.sps for i in range(N)]) + (Nph+1,)
# upadte axes dimensions
system = [s+1 for s in system]
# reshape states
v = _np.reshape(psi.T, reshape_tuple1)
del psi
# performs 4)
# performs 5)
reshape_tuple2 = (Ns, Ns_A, basis.sps**(N-N_A)*(Nph+1) )
v = _np.reshape(v,reshape_tuple2)
raise ValueError("'basis' class {} not supported!".format(basis.__class__.__name__))
return v, rho_d, N_A
def _inf_time_obs(rho,istate,Obs=False,delta_t_Obs=False,delta_q_Obs=False,Sd_Renyi=False,Srdm_Renyi=False,alpha=1.0):
This function calculates various quantities (observables, fluctuations, entropies) written in the
diagonal basis of a density matrix 'rho'. See also documentation of 'Diagonal_Ensemble'. The
fuction is vectorised, meaning that 'rho' can be an array containing the diagonal density matrices
in the columns.
RETURNS: dictionary with keys corresponding to the observables
--- variables ---
istate: (required) type of initial state. Allowed strings are 'pure', 'DM', 'mixed', 'thermal'.
Obs: (optional) array of shape (,1) with the diagonal matrix elements of an observable in the basis
where the density matrix 'rho' is diagonal.
delta_t_Obs: (optional) array of shape (1,1) containing the off-diagonal matrix elements of the
square of an observable, to evaluate the infinite-time temporal fluctuations
delta_q_Obs: (optional) array containing the diagonal elements (Obs^2)_{nn} - (Obs_{nn})^2 in the
basis where the DM 'rho' is diagonal. Evaluates the infinite-time quantum fluctuations.
Sd_Renyi: (optional) when set to 'True', returns the key with diagonal density matrix of 'rho'.
Srdm_Renyi: (optional) (i,n) array containing the singular values of the i-th state of the eigenbasis
of 'rho'. Returns the key with the entanglement _entropy of 'rho' reduced to a subsystem of
given choice at infinite times.
alpha: (optional) Renyi _entropy parameter.
# if Obs or deltaObs: parse V2
if isinstance(alpha,complex) or alpha < 0.0:
raise TypeError("Renyi parameter 'alpha' must be real-valued and non-negative!")
istates = ['pure', 'DM','mixed','thermal']
if istate not in istates:
raise TypeError("Uknown type 'istate' encountered! Try {}!".format(istates))
# initiate observables dict
variables = []
if Obs is not False:
if delta_t_Obs is not False:
if delta_q_Obs is not False:
if Sd_Renyi:
if alpha == 1.0:
if Srdm_Renyi is not False:
if alpha == 1.0:
# calculate diag ens value of Obs
if Obs is not False:
Obs_d = Obs.dot(rho)
# calculate diag ens value of Obs fluctuations
if delta_t_Obs is not False:
delta_t_Obs_d = _np.einsum('j...,jk,k...->...',rho,delta_t_Obs,rho).real
# calculate diag ens value of Obs fluctuations
if delta_q_Obs is not False:
delta_q_Obs_d = _np.sqrt( _np.einsum('j...,j->...',rho,delta_q_Obs).real - delta_t_Obs_d - Obs_d**2 )
delta_t_Obs_d = _np.sqrt( delta_t_Obs_d )
# calculate Shannon _entropy for the distribution p
def _entropy(p,alpha):
This function calculates the Renyi _entropy of the distribution p with parameter alpha.
if alpha == 1.0:
#warnings.warn("Renyi _entropy equals von Neumann _entropy.", UserWarning,stacklevel=4)
S = - _np.nansum(p*_np.log(p),axis=0)
S = 1.0/(1.0-alpha)*_np.log(_np.nansum(p**alpha,axis=0) )
return S
# calculate diag ens ent _entropy in post-quench basis
if Srdm_Renyi is not False:
# calculate effective diagonal singular values, \lambda_i^{(n)} = Srdm_Renyi
#rho_ent = (Srdm_Renyi**2).dot(rho) # has components (i,psi)
rho_ent = Srdm_Renyi # has components (i,psi)
Srdm_Renyi_d = _entropy(rho_ent,alpha)
# calculate diag ens _entropy in post-quench basis
if Sd_Renyi:
Sd_Renyi_d = _entropy(rho,alpha)
# define return dict
return_dict = {}
for i in variables:
if alpha == 1.0 and ("Srdm" in i or 'Sd' in i):
return_dict[j] = locals()[i[:-len(istate)]+'d']
return return_dict