Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# need linear algebra packages
import scipy.sparse as _sp
import numpy as _np

from parallel_sparse_tools.matvec.matvec_core import matvec, get_matvec_function

from quspin.basis import get_basis_type

import warnings

__all__ = [

[docs] def project_op(Obs, proj, dtype=_np.complex128): """Projects observable onto symmetry-reduced subspace. This function takes an observable `Obs` and a reduced basis or a projector `proj`, and projects `Obs` onto that reduced basis. Examples -------- The following example shows how to project an operator :math:`H_1=\\sum_j hS^x_j + g S^z_j` from the symmetry-reduced basis to the full basis. .. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/ :linenos: :language: python :lines: 7- Parameters ---------- Obs : :obj: Operator to be projected, either a `numpy.ndarray` or a `hamiltonian` object. proj : :obj: Either one of the following: * `basis` object with the basis of the Hilbert space after the projection. * numpy.ndarray: a matrix which contains the projector. Projectors can be calculated conveniently using the function method `basis.get_proj()`. dtype : type, optional Data type of output. Default is `numpy.complex128`. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with keys * "Proj_Obs": projected observable `Obs`. """ # needed for isinstance only from quspin.operators import ishamiltonian from quspin.basis import isbasis variables = ["Proj_Obs"] if isbasis(proj): proj = proj.get_proj(dtype) elif (proj.__class__ not in [_np.ndarray, _np.matrix]) and (not _sp.issparse(proj)): raise ValueError( "Expecting either matrix/array or basis object for proj argument." ) if ishamiltonian(Obs): if Obs.Ns != proj.shape[0]: if Obs.Ns != proj.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "Dimension mismatch Obs:{0} proj{1}".format( Obs.get_shape, proj.shape ) ) else: # projecting from a smaller to larger H-space proj_down = False else: # projecting from larger to smaller H-space proj_down = True if proj_down: Proj_Obs = Obs.project_to(proj) else: Proj_Obs = Obs.project_to(proj.T.conj()) else: if Obs.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Expecting Obs to be a 2 dimensional array.") if Obs.shape[0] != Obs.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Expecting Obs to be a square array.") if Obs.shape[1] != proj.shape[0]: if Obs.shape[0] != proj.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "Dimension mismatch Obs:{0} proj{1}".format(Obs.shape, proj.shape) ) else: proj_down = False else: proj_down = True if proj_down: Proj_Obs = proj.T.conj().dot( else: Proj_Obs = # define dictionary with outputs return_dict = {} for i in range(len(variables)): return_dict[variables[i]] = locals()[variables[i]] return return_dict
[docs] def KL_div(p1, p2): """Calculates Kullback-Leibler divergence of two discrete probability distributions. .. math:: \\mathrm{KL}(p_1||p_2) = \\sum_n p_1(n)\\log\\frac{p_1(n)}{p_2(n)} Parameters ---------- p1 : numpy.ndarray Dscrete probability distribution. p2 : numpy.ndarray Discrete probability distribution. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Kullback-Leibler divergence of `p1` and `p2`. """ p1 = _np.asarray(p1) p2 = _np.asarray(p2) if len(p1) != len(p2): raise TypeError( "Expecting the probability distributions 'p1' and 'p2' to have same size!" ) if p1.ndim != 1 or p2.ndim != 1: raise TypeError( "Expecting the probability distributions 'p1' and 'p2' to have linear dimension!" ) if _np.any(p1 <= 0.0) or _np.any(p2 <= 0.0): raise TypeError( "Expecting all entries of the probability distributions 'p1' and 'p2' to be non-negative!" ) if abs(sum(p1) - 1.0) > 1e-13: raise ValueError("Expecting 'p1' to be normalised!") if abs(sum(p2) - 1.0) > 1e-13: raise ValueError("Expecting 'p2' to be normalised!") if _np.any(p1 == 0.0): inds = _np.where(p1 == 0) p1 = _np.delete(p1, inds) p2 = _np.delete(p2, inds) return _np.multiply(p1, _np.log(_np.divide(p1, p2))).sum()
[docs] def mean_level_spacing(E, verbose=True): """Calculates the mean-level spacing of an energy spectrum. See mean level spacing, :math:`\\langle\\tilde r_\mathrm{W}\\rangle`, in `arXiv:1212.5611 <>`_ for more details. For Wigner-Dyson statistics, we have :math:`\\langle\\tilde r_\mathrm{W}\\rangle\\approx 0.53`, while for Poisson statistics: :math:`\\langle\\tilde r_\mathrm{W}\\rangle\\approx 0.38`. Examples -------- The following example shows how to calculate the mean level spacing :math:`\\langle\\tilde r_\mathrm{W}\\rangle` for the spectrum of the ergodic Hamiltonian :math:`H_1=\\sum_jJ S^z_{j+1}S^z + hS^x_j + g S^z_j`. .. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/ :linenos: :language: python :lines: 7- Parameters ---------- E : numpy.ndarray Ordered list of ascending, NONdegenerate energies. If `E` contains a repeating value, the function returns `nan`. verbose : bool, optional Toggles warning message about degeneracies of the spectrum `E`. Returns ------- float mean-level spacing. nan if spectrum `E` has degeneracies. """ if not isinstance(E, _np.ndarray): E = _np.asarray(E) if _np.any(_np.sort(E) != E): raise TypeError( "Expecting a sorted list of ascending, nondegenerate eigenenergies 'E'." ) # check for degeneracies if len(_np.unique(E)) != len(E): if verbose: warnings.warn("Degeneracies found in spectrum 'E'!") return _np.nan else: # compute consecutive E-differences sn = _np.diff(E) # calculate the ratios of consecutive spacings aux = _np.zeros((len(E) - 1, 2), dtype=_np.float64) aux[:, 0] = sn aux[:, 1] = _np.roll(sn, -1) return _np.mean(_np.divide(aux.min(1), aux.max(1))[0:-1])
[docs] def ints_to_array(basis_ints, N=None): """Converts QuSpin basis type integers to a state array with binary elements. This function takes an array of batched QuSpin basis type integers and converts it to a batched state array with 0/1 elements representing spin-down/up or 0/1 occupation. Notes ----- Conversion to higher spins or larger occupation numbers is not yet implemented. Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/ :linenos: :language: python :lines: 7- Parameters ---------- basis_ints: np.ndarray(int) batched integers to be converted N: int, optional number of sites (doubled for spinful fermions), default to be the biggest size represented by `basis_ints.dtype`. Returns ------- state_array: np.ndarray(np.uint8) batched state array with binary entries """ basis_ints = _np.asarray(basis_ints, order="C").reshape(-1, 1) if not basis_ints.dtype.isbuiltin: basis_ints = basis_ints.view(_np.uint64) valid = basis_ints[:, -2:-1] basis_ints = _np.ascontiguousarray(basis_ints[:, :-2]) idx = _np.arange(basis_ints.shape[1], dtype=_np.uint8) idx = _np.broadcast_to(idx, basis_ints.shape) basis_ints[idx >= valid] = 0 basis_ints = basis_ints.view(_np.uint8) state_array = _np.unpackbits(basis_ints, axis=1, count=N, bitorder="little") return state_array[:, ::-1]
[docs] def array_to_ints(state_array, dtype=None): """Converts a state array with binary elements to QuSpin basis type integers. This function takes a batched state array with 0/1 elements and converts it to an array of batched QuSpin basis type integers. Notes ----- Conversion of higher spins or larger occupation numbers is not yet implemented. Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/ :linenos: :language: python :lines: 7- Parameters ---------- state_array: np.ndarray(np.uint8) batched state array to be converted dtype: dtype, optional data type used for the basis integers, default to be the type expressing the state with smallest size Returns ------- basis_ints: np.ndarray(int) batched basis integers """ state_array = _np.atleast_2d(state_array) nbits = state_array.shape[1] if dtype is None: dtype = get_basis_type(nbits, None, 2) dtype = _np.dtype(dtype) nfull = dtype.itemsize * 8 pads = _np.zeros((state_array.shape[0], nfull - nbits), state_array.dtype) state_array = _np.concatenate([pads, state_array], axis=1) state_array = _np.ascontiguousarray(state_array[:, ::-1], dtype=_np.uint8) basis_ints = _np.packbits(state_array, axis=1, bitorder="little") if not dtype.isbuiltin: valid = _np.array([(nbits - 1) // 64 + 1], _np.uint64).view(_np.uint8) basis_ints[:, -16:-8] = valid basis_ints = basis_ints.view(dtype) return basis_ints