
quspin.tools.evolution.evolve(v0, t0, times, f, solver_name='dop853', real=False, stack_state=False, verbose=False, imag_time=False, iterate=False, f_params=(), **solver_args)[source]

Implements (imaginary) time evolution for a user-defined first-order ODE.

The function can be used to study nonlinear semiclassical dynamics. It can also serve as a pre-configured ODE solver in python, without any relation to other QuSpin objects.


Initial state.


Initial time.


Vector of times to compute the time-evolved state at.


User-defined function to solve first-order ODE (see Examples):

\[v'(t) = f(v(t),t)\qquad v(t_0)=v_0\]
f_paramstuple, optional

A tuple to pass all parameters of the function f to ODE solver. Default is f_params=().

iteratebool, optional

If set to True, creates a generator object for the time-evolved the state. Default is False.

solver_namestr, optional

Scipy solver integrator name. Default is dop853.

See scipy integrator (solver) for other options.

solver_argsdict, optional

Dictionary with additional scipy integrator (solver) arguments.

realbool, optional

Flag to determine if f is real or complex-valued. Default is False.

imag_timebool, optional

Must be set to True when f defines imaginary-time evolution, in order to normalise the state at each time in times. Default is False.

stack_statebool, optional

If f is written to take care of real and imaginary parts separately (see Examples), this flag will return a single complex-valued solution instead of the real and imaginary parts separately. Default is False.

verbosebool, optional

If set to True, prints normalisation of state at teach time in times.

Can be either one of the following:
  • numpy.ndarray containing evolved state against time.

  • generator object for time-evolved state (requires iterate = True).


The following example shows how to use the evolve() function to solve the periodically-driven Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) on a one-imensional lattice. The GPE has a linear part, comprising the kinetic energy and the external potentials (e.g. a harmonic trap), and a nonlinear part which describes the interactions.

Below, in a few steps we show how to use the functionality of the evolve() function to solve the GPE on a one-dimensional lattice for periodically-driven particles in a harmonic trap:

\[i\dot\varphi_j(t) = -J\left( e^{-iA\sin\Omega t}\varphi_{j-1}(t) + e^{+iA\sin\Omega t}\varphi_{j+1}(t) \right) + \kappa_\mathrm{trap}\varphi_j(t) + U|\varphi_j(t)|^2\varphi_j(t)\]

where \(j\) labels the lattice sites, \(J\) is the lattice hopping amplitude, \(\kappa_\mathrm{trap}\) is the strength of the harmonic trap, and \(U\) – the mean-field interaction.

Let us start by defining the single-particle Hamiltonian \(H(t)\).

 1from quspin.basis import boson_basis_1d  # Hilbert space spin basis
 2from quspin.tools.evolution import evolve  # ODE evolve tool
 3from quspin.tools.Floquet import Floquet_t_vec  # stroboscopic time vector
 4import numpy as np  # generic math functions
 5from six import iteritems  # loop over elements of dictionary
 8L = 50  # number of lattice sites
 9i_CM = L // 2 - 0.5  # centre of chain
11### static model parameters
12J = 1.0  # hopping
13kappa_trap = 0.002  # harmonic trap strength
14U = 1.0  # mean-field (GPE) interaction
16### periodic driving
17A = 1.0  # drive amplitude
18Omega = 10.0  # drive frequency
21def drive(t, Omega):
22    return np.exp(-1j * A * np.sin(Omega * t))
25def drive_conj(t, Omega):
26    return np.exp(+1j * A * np.sin(Omega * t))
29drive_args = [Omega]  # drive arguments
30t = Floquet_t_vec(Omega, 30, len_T=1)  # time vector, 30 stroboscopic periods
32### site-couping lists
33hopping = [[-J, i, (i + 1) % L] for i in range(L)]
34trap = [[kappa_trap * (i - i_CM) ** 2, i] for i in range(L)]
36### operator strings for single-particle Hamiltonian
37static = [["n", trap]]
38dynamic = [["+-", hopping, drive, drive_args], ["-+", hopping, drive_conj, drive_args]]
39# define single-particle basis
40basis = boson_basis_1d(
41    L, Nb=1, sps=2

Next, we define the GPE

\[-i\dot\varphi(t) = H(t)\varphi(t) + U |\varphi(t)|^2 \varphi(t)\]

and solve it using evolve():

44### build Hamiltonian
45H = hamiltonian(static, dynamic, basis=basis, dtype=np.complex128)
46# calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of free particle in a harmonic trap
47E, V = H.eigh(time=0)
48# initial state normalised to one partcile per site
49phi0 = V[:, 0] * np.sqrt(L)
53def GPE(time, phi):
54    """Solves the complex-valued time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation:"""
55    # integrate static part of GPE

Since the GPE is a complex-valued equation, the above code requires the use of a complex-valued ODE solver [which is done by evolve() under the hood, so long as no solver is explicitly specified].

An alternative way to solve the GPE using a real-valued solver might be useful to speed-up the computation. This can be achieved by decomposing the condensate wave function into a real and imaginary part, and proceeds as follows:

The goal is to solve:

\[-i\dot\varphi(t) = H(t)\varphi(t) + U |\varphi(t)|^2 \varphi(t)\]

for the complex-valued \(\varphi(t)\) by re-writing it as a real-valued vector phi=[u,v] where \(\varphi(t) = u(t) + iv(t)\). The real and imaginary parts, \(u(t)\) and \(v(t)\), have the same array dimension as \(\phi(t)\).

In the most general form, the single-particle Hamiltonian can be decomposed as \(H(t)= H_{stat} + f(t)H_{dyn}\), with a complex-valued driving function \(f(t)\). Then, the GPE can be cast in the following real-valued form:

\[\dot u(t) = +\left[H_{stat} + U\left(|u(t)|^2 + |v(t)|^2\right) \right]v(t) + Re[f(t)]H_{dyn}v(t) + Im[f(t)]H_{dyn}u(t)\]
\[\dot v(t) = -\left[H_{stat} + U\left(|u(t)|^2 + |v(t)|^2\right) \right]u(t) - Re[f(t)]H_{dyn}u(t) + Im[f(t)]H_{dyn}v(t)\]
 59    # integrate dynamic part of GPE
 60    for fun, Hdyn in iteritems(H.dynamic):
 61        phi_dot += -1j * fun(time) * Hdyn.dot(phi)
 63    return phi_dot
 66# solving the complex-valued GPE takes one line
 67phi_t = evolve(phi0, t.i, t.vals, GPE)
 71def GPE_real(time, phi, H, U):
 72    """Solves the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, cast into real-valued form so it can be solved with a
 73    real-valued ODE solver.
 75    """
 76    # preallocate memory for phi_dot
 77    phi_dot = np.zeros_like(phi)
 78    # read off number of lattice sites (array dimension of phi)
 79    Ns = H.Ns
 80    # static single-particle part
 81    phi_dot[:Ns] = H.static.dot(phi[Ns:]).real
 82    phi_dot[Ns:] = -H.static.dot(phi[:Ns]).real
 83    # static GPE interaction
 84    phi_dot_2 = np.abs(phi[:Ns]) ** 2 + np.abs(phi[Ns:]) ** 2
 85    phi_dot[:Ns] += U * phi_dot_2 * phi[Ns:]
 86    phi_dot[Ns:] -= U * phi_dot_2 * phi[:Ns]
 87    # dynamic single-particle term
 88    for func, Hdyn in iteritems(H.dynamic):
 89        fun = func(time)  # evaluate drive
 90        phi_dot[:Ns] += (
 91            +(fun.real) * Hdyn.dot(phi[Ns:]) + (fun.imag) * Hdyn.dot(phi[:Ns])
 92        ).real
 93        phi_dot[Ns:] += (
 94            -(fun.real) * Hdyn.dot(phi[:Ns]) + (fun.imag) * Hdyn.dot(phi[Ns:])
 95        ).real
 97    return phi_dot
100# define ODE solver parameters
101GPE_params = (H, U)
102# solving the real-valued GPE takes one line
103phi_t = evolve(phi0, t.i, t.vals, GPE_real, stack_state=True, f_params=GPE_params)

The flag stack_state=True is required for evolve() to handle the complex-valued initial condition properly, as well as to put together the output solution as a complex-valued vector in the end. Since the real-valued ODE solver allows to parse ODE parameters, we can include them in the user-defined ODE function and use the flag f_params. Notice the elegant way python allows one to circumvent the usage of this variable in the complex-valued example above.