# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# need linear algebra packages
import numpy as _np
from functools import partial as _partial
from scipy.integrate import ode
from numpy.linalg import norm
# needed for isinstance only
from quspin.tools.expm_multiply_parallel_core import ExpmMultiplyParallel
# define alias for backward compatibility
expm_multiply_parallel = ExpmMultiplyParallel
__all__ = ["ED_state_vs_time", "evolve", "ExpmMultiplyParallel", "expm_multiply_parallel"]
##### below are the routines for arbitary user-defimed time evolution.
def ED_state_vs_time(psi, E, V, times, iterate=False):
"""Calculates the time evolution of initial state using a complete eigenbasis.
The time evolution is carried out under the Hamiltonian :math:`H` with eigenenergies `E` and eigenstates `V`.
The following example shows how to time-evolve a state :math:`\\psi` using the entire eigensystem
:math:`(E_1,V_1)` of a Hamiltonian :math:`H_1=\\sum_j hS^x_j + g S^z_j`.
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/ED_state_vs_time-example.py
:language: python
:lines: 7-
psi : numpy.ndarray
Initial state.
V : numpy.ndarray
Unitary matrix containing all eigenstates of the Hamiltonian :math:`H` in its columns.
E : numpy.ndarray
Eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian :math:`H`, listed in the order which corresponds to the columns of `V`.
times : numpy.ndarray
Vector of time to evaluate the time evolved state at.
iterate : bool, optional
If set to `True`, the function returns the generator of the time evolved state.
Either of the following:
* `numpy.ndarray` with the time evolved states as rows.
* `generator` which generates time-dependent states one by one.
psi = _np.squeeze(_np.asarray(psi))
if V.ndim != 2 or V.shape[0] != V.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("'V' must be a square matrix")
if V.shape[0] != len(E):
raise TypeError(
"Number of eigenstates in 'V' must equal number of eigenvalues in 'E'!"
if psi.shape[0] != len(E):
raise TypeError("Variables 'psi' and 'E' must have the same dimension!")
if psi.ndim == 2:
if psi.shape[0] != psi.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("mixed states must be square!")
if psi.ndim > 2:
raise ValueError("psi must be 1 or 2 dimension array.")
if _np.isscalar(times):
TypeError("Variable 'times' must be a array or iter like object!")
times = -1j * _np.asarray(times)
# define generator of time-evolved state in basis V2
def pure_t_iter(V, psi, times):
# a_n: probability amplitudes
# times: time vector
a_n = V.T.conj().dot(psi)
for t in times:
yield V.dot(_np.exp(E * t) * a_n)
def mixed_t_iter(V, psi, times):
# a_n: probability amplitudes
# times: time vector
rho_d = V.T.conj().dot(psi.dot(V))
for t in times:
exp_t = _np.exp(t * E)
yield _np.einsum(
"ij,j,jk,k,lk->il", V, exp_t, rho_d, exp_t.conj(), V.conj()
if psi.ndim == 1:
if iterate:
return pure_t_iter(V, psi, times)
c_n = V.T.conj().dot(psi)
Ntime = len(times)
Ns = len(E)
# generate [[-1j*times[0], ..., -1j*times[0]], ..., [-1j*times[-1], ..., -1j*times[01]]
psi_t = _np.broadcast_to(times, (Ns, Ntime)).T
# [[-1j*E[0]*times[0], ..., -1j*E[-1]*times[0]], ..., [-1j*E[0]*times[-1], ..., -1j*E[-1]*times[-1]]
psi_t = psi_t * E
# [[exp(-1j*E[0]*times[0]), ..., exp(-1j*E[-1]*times[0])], ..., [exp(-1j*E[0]*times[-1]), ..., exp(-1j*E[01]*times[01])]
_np.exp(psi_t, psi_t)
# [[c_n[0]exp(-1j*E[0]*times[0]), ..., c_n[-1]*exp(-1j*E[-1]*times[0])], ..., [c_n[0]*exp(-1j*E[0]*times[-1]), ...,c_n[o]*exp(-1j*E[01]*times[01])]
psi_t *= c_n
# for each vector trasform back to original basis
psi_t = V.dot(psi_t.T)
return psi_t # [ psi(times[0]), ...,psi(times[-1]) ]
if iterate:
return mixed_t_iter(V, psi, times)
Ntime = len(times)
Ns = len(E)
rho_d = V.T.conj().dot(psi.dot(V))
# generate [[-1j*times[0], ..., -1j*times[0]], ..., [-1j*times[-1], ..., -1j*times[01]]
exp_t = _np.broadcast_to(times, (Ns, Ntime)).T
# [[-1j*E[0]*times[0], ..., -1j*E[-1]*times[0]], ..., [-1j*E[0]*times[-1], ..., -1j*E[-1]*times[-1]]
exp_t = exp_t * E
# [[exp(-1j*E[0]*times[0]), ..., exp(-1j*E[-1]*times[0])], ..., [exp(-1j*E[0]*times[-1]), ..., exp(-1j*E[01]*times[01])]
_np.exp(exp_t, exp_t)
return _np.einsum(
"ij,tj,jk,tk,lk->ilt", V, exp_t, rho_d, exp_t.conj(), V.conj()
def evolve(
"""Implements (imaginary) time evolution for a user-defined first-order ODE.
The function can be used to study nonlinear semiclassical dynamics. It can also serve as a pre-configured
ODE solver in python, without any relation to other QuSpin objects.
The following example shows how to use the `evolve()` function to solve the periodically-driven
Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) on a one-imensional lattice. The GPE has a linear part, comprising the
kinetic energy and the external potentials (e.g. a harmonic trap), and a nonlinear part which describes
the interactions.
Below, in a few steps we show how to use the functionality of the `evolve()` function to solve the GPE
on a one-dimensional lattice for periodically-driven particles in a harmonic trap:
.. math::
i\\dot\\varphi_j(t) = -J\\left( e^{-iA\\sin\\Omega t}\\varphi_{j-1}(t) + e^{+iA\\sin\\Omega t}\\varphi_{j+1}(t) \\right) + \\kappa_\\mathrm{trap}\\varphi_j(t) + U|\\varphi_j(t)|^2\\varphi_j(t)
where :math:`j` labels the lattice sites, :math:`J` is the lattice hopping amplitude, :math:`\\kappa_\\mathrm{trap}` is
the strength of the harmonic trap, and :math:`U` -- the mean-field interaction.
Let us start by defining the single-particle Hamiltonian :math:`H(t)`.
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/evolve-example.py
:language: python
:lines: 7-47
Next, we define the GPE
.. math::
-i\\dot\\varphi(t) = H(t)\\varphi(t) + U |\\varphi(t)|^2 \\varphi(t)
and solve it using `evolve()`:
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/evolve-example.py
:language: python
:lines: 49-61
:lineno-start: 43
Since the GPE is a complex-valued equation, the above code requires the use of a complex-valued ODE solver
[which is done by `evolve()` under the hood, so long as no solver is explicitly specified].
An alternative way
to solve the GPE using a real-valued solver might be useful to speed-up the computation. This can be achieved
by decomposing the condensate wave function into a real and imaginary part, and proceeds as follows:
The goal is to solve:
.. math::
-i\\dot\\varphi(t) = H(t)\\varphi(t) + U |\\varphi(t)|^2 \\varphi(t)
for the complex-valued :math:`\\varphi(t)` by re-writing it as a real-valued vector `phi=[u,v]` where
:math:`\\varphi(t) = u(t) + iv(t)`. The real and imaginary parts, :math:`u(t)` and :math:`v(t)`, have the same array dimension as
In the most general form, the single-particle Hamiltonian can be decomposed as
:math:`H(t)= H_{stat} + f(t)H_{dyn}`, with a complex-valued driving function :math:`f(t)`. Then, the GPE can be cast in
the following real-valued form:
.. math::
\\dot u(t) = +\\left[H_{stat} + U\\left(|u(t)|^2 + |v(t)|^2\\right) \\right]v(t) + Re[f(t)]H_{dyn}v(t) + Im[f(t)]H_{dyn}u(t)
.. math::
\\dot v(t) = -\\left[H_{stat} + U\\left(|u(t)|^2 + |v(t)|^2\\right) \\right]u(t) - Re[f(t)]H_{dyn}u(t) + Im[f(t)]H_{dyn}v(t)
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc_examples/evolve-example.py
:language: python
:lines: 63-
:lineno-start: 59
The flag `stack_state=True` is required for `evolve()` to handle the complex-valued initial condition properly,
as well as to put together the output solution as a complex-valued vector in the end. Since the real-valued ODE solver
allows to parse ODE parameters, we can include them in the user-defined ODE function and use the
flag `f_params`. Notice the elegant way python allows one to circumvent the usage of this variable in the
complex-valued example above.
v0 : numpy.ndarray
Initial state.
t0 : float
Initial time.
times : numpy.ndarray
Vector of times to compute the time-evolved state at.
f : :obj:`function`
User-defined function to solve first-order ODE (see Examples):
.. math::
v'(t) = f(v(t),t)\\qquad v(t_0)=v_0
f_params : tuple, optional
A tuple to pass all parameters of the function `f` to ODE solver. Default is `f_params=()`.
iterate : bool, optional
If set to `True`, creates a generator object for the time-evolved the state. Default is `False`.
solver_name : str, optional
Scipy solver integrator name. Default is `dop853`.
See `scipy integrator (solver) <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.integrate.ode.html>`_ for other options.
solver_args : dict, optional
Dictionary with additional `scipy integrator (solver) <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.integrate.ode.html>`_ arguments.
real : bool, optional
Flag to determine if `f` is real or complex-valued. Default is `False`.
imag_time : bool, optional
Must be set to `True` when `f` defines imaginary-time evolution, in order to normalise the state
at each time in `times`. Default is `False`.
stack_state : bool, optional
If `f` is written to take care of real and imaginary parts separately (see Examples), this flag
will return a single complex-valued solution instead of the real and imaginary parts separately.
Default is `False`.
verbose : bool, optional
If set to `True`, prints normalisation of state at teach time in `times`.
Can be either one of the following:
* numpy.ndarray containing evolved state against time.
* generator object for time-evolved state (requires `iterate = True`).
ndim = v0.ndim
if ndim > 2:
raise ValueError("state mush have ndim < 3.")
shape0 = v0.shape
if ndim == 2:
v0 = v0.ravel()
shape0_ravelled = v0.shape
if _np.iscomplexobj(times):
raise ValueError("times must be real number(s).")
n = _np.linalg.norm(
) # needed for imaginary time to preserve the proper norm of the state.
if stack_state:
if imag_time:
raise ValueError("imag_time is not compatible with stack_state.")
complex_valued = False
v1 = v0.copy()
if ndim == 1:
v0 = _np.zeros(2 * shape0[0], dtype=v1.real.dtype)
v0[: shape0[0]] = v1.real
v0[shape0[0] :] = v1.imag
v0 = _np.zeros(2 * shape0_ravelled[0], dtype=v1.real.dtype)
v0[: shape0_ravelled[0]] = v1.real
v0[shape0_ravelled[0] :] = v1.imag
solver = ode(f) # y_f = f(t,y,*args)
elif real:
complex_valued = False
solver = ode(f) # y_f = f(t,y,*args)
complex_valued = True
# check if array is contiguous (required by memory view)
v0 = v0.astype(_np.complex128, copy=False).view(_np.float64)
except ValueError:
# copy initial state v0 to make it contiguous
v0 = v0.astype(_np.complex128, copy=True).view(_np.float64)
solver = ode(_cmplx_f) # y_f = f(t,y,*args)
solver.set_f_params(f, f_params)
if solver_name in ["dop853", "dopri5"]:
if solver_args.get("nsteps") is None:
solver_args["nsteps"] = _np.iinfo(_np.int32).max
if solver_args.get("rtol") is None:
solver_args["rtol"] = 1e-9
if solver_args.get("atol") is None:
solver_args["atol"] = 1e-9
solver.set_integrator(solver_name, **solver_args)
solver.set_initial_value(v0, t0)
output_args = (complex_valued, stack_state, imag_time, n, shape0)
if _np.isscalar(times):
return _evolve_scalar(solver, v0, t0, times, *output_args)
if iterate:
return _evolve_iter(solver, v0, t0, times, verbose, *output_args)
return _evolve_list(solver, v0, t0, times, verbose, *output_args)
def _cmplx_f(t, y, f, f_params):
yc = y.view(_np.complex128)
return f(t, yc, *f_params).view(_np.float64)
def _format_output(y, complex_valued, stack_state, imag_time, n, shape0):
Ns = shape0[0]
if stack_state:
yout = y[:Ns].astype(_np.complex128).reshape(shape0)
yout[...] += 1j * y[Ns:].reshape(shape0)
elif complex_valued:
yout = y.view(_np.complex128).reshape(shape0)
yout = y.reshape(shape0)
if imag_time:
yout /= norm(yout, axis=0) / n
return yout
def _evolve_scalar(solver, v0, t0, time, *output_args):
if time == t0:
return _format_output(v0, *output_args)
if solver.successful():
return _format_output(solver._y, *output_args)
raise RuntimeError(
"failed to evolve to time {0}, nsteps might be too small".format(time)
def _evolve_list(solver, v0, t0, times, verbose, *output_args):
shape0 = output_args[-1]
Ns = shape0[0]
if output_args[0] or output_args[1]:
v = _np.empty((len(times),) + shape0, dtype=_np.complex128, order="C")
v = _np.empty((len(times),) + shape0, dtype=_np.float64, order="C")
for i, t in enumerate(times):
if t == t0:
y_fmt = _format_output(v0, *output_args)
if verbose:
"evolved to time {0}, norm of state(s) {1}".format(
t, norm(y_fmt, axis=0)
v[i, ...] = y_fmt
if solver.successful():
y_fmt = _format_output(solver._y, *output_args)
if verbose:
"evolved to time {0}, norm of state(s) {1}".format(
t, norm(y_fmt, axis=0)
v[i, ...] = y_fmt
raise RuntimeError(
"failed to evolve to time {0}, nsteps might be too small".format(t)
if v.ndim == 2:
v = v.transpose()
v = v.transpose((1, 2, 0))
return v
def _evolve_iter(solver, v0, t0, times, verbose, *output_args):
shape0 = output_args[-1]
Ns = shape0[0]
for i, t in enumerate(times):
if t == t0:
y_fmt = _format_output(v0, *output_args)
if verbose:
"evolved to time {0}, norm of state(s) {1}".format(
t, norm(y_fmt, axis=0)
yield y_fmt
if solver.successful():
y_fmt = _format_output(solver._y, *output_args)
if verbose:
"evolved to time {0}, norm of state(s) {1}".format(
t, norm(y_fmt, axis=0)
yield y_fmt
raise RuntimeError(
"failed to evolve to time {0}, nsteps might be too small".format(t)